Are being warned by this Atlantic article, we have to shut down again when COVID-19 returns....(based on "models" no doubt) and...
Related: "Public Health" Fauci & Brix lecture us about also includes issues of suicides, domestic, child & substance abuse.
Read this:…
Now, as the F&B duo do, apply that "model" liberally to Nation. Bad.
And this, less anecdotal, more data based:……
Data based on suicide rates coupled to long term unemployment rates. We're at 20+% now kiddies and climbing
Note tho, embedded in those discussions the abuse issues will rise as well. Horrible. Some of those cases will be "unequal deaths"
In the quest to fight just one battle of a total war for name recognition, our "betters" are sacrificing all others for their legacy, IMHO.
But there's more....
Now with meat packing plants starting to be shut down, think about
Why? Caller to rush the other day, a beef producer, clearly explained how our "new normals" are causing decisions in supply chain. Clearest one I head was with eggs.
Since restaurants closed, with normal production,
Think ripping off bandage, yelling "Get me some eggs!" and being told
Dairy farms are dumping milk. Beef producer saying they're trying to slow the maturation timeline to avoid having to kill off the steers.
Far too many ppl think stuff just magically appears. Nope, it takes planning and infrastructure maintained in operating order to meet demand.
So right there, but 1 example of impending disaster not some BS model.
But, wait! There's still more
For at least 20 yrs, China has developed a middle class if sorts, and how did they do that? They played on our consumerism of the Western World by offering inexpensive labor.
As we see now, it has become an economic blunder.
Note tho how we are criticized externally and internally for it....
Do, what's the catch?
I see two major economic issues that are now in play.
1. If we pull manufacturing out of China as punishment combo with smartly diversifying our sources, what does the CCP
The bind:. So who else will China get to replace our demand in their factories?
As #SleepyJie says, "It's a big F'n DEAL!"
Oh, yes it is......
But before I develop this trail further:
2. China is binge buying stocks worldwide.
From India…
It means, owning enough stock gives you controlling interest.
It means, as each major country, using China as a manufacturing end point, as we/they "suggest" or by law, require their companies to leave China.....
Getting a bit more upset with the dynamic duo who are doing this to the World? You should be.
Now the synergism of those econ issues:
Think about that. Hundreds of millions out if work. Worse than what were doing to ourselves even now....and looking at the CCP....
Not good for Xi and his Crew, us it?
Next stop, as history shows:
1. Internal revolution. (Russia 1917 as 1 example)
2. Blame an external enemy....the US (Hitler late 30s) and go to war.
Both will be bad for humanity as a whole, 1 at larger scale.
So it now spills over into geo-political......
They have been building a Blue Water Navy at rate we built ships
They have one carrier at sea, 3 more being built. They have ballistic missile submarines, nuclear attack subs, cruisers, destroyers, amphibious ships, logistics vessels...
Why is this of note?
Presently, as we take Strike Groups off the readiness line so all sailors can be tested & observed for weeks, they are aggressively pushing envelope.…
But developing the economic cross over with geo-political Navy connections:
Navies were created to protect commerce, not as some ego boosting job.
China rapidly becoming capable of those
Fast forward to near future of pulling out if China.
We're building strong trade partnerships in SE Asian. Vietname, Singapore, Malaysia....and if we move factories there....and China has a Blue Water Navy between them and our shores.....
Choices? Not many left except 1 at that point:. Playing high stakes chicken on the high seas.
Methods? Power project and shoulder off their naval units from getting to SLOCs.....
Guaranteed to include torpedoes, anti ship cruise missiles and naval gunnery. And floating dead.
We abandoned the equally important survival lessons of risk management, which every one of us exercises when we wake up each morning and do things like navigate a flight of stairs, of travel in public.
But as presented above, buy choosing to shut the country/world down, we will end up with a cure far
One last connection tho:
Note how this has been portrayed in the almost identicalmanner to gun "control (confiscation)"? "If it saves just 1 life!" while totally dismissing defensive use of firearms millions more times than deaths per year....
Weird....I'm old enough to remember when it wasn't ppl shooting ppl, but guns.....