Been working round the clock since Feb on the urgency of universal masking w/multidisciplinary team of @guypgoldstein@AlexeyMorgunov@V_alien@AnnaRotkirch —theoretical predictive modeling, empirical evaluation, public policy. Key recommends from white paper & research article:
1. Masking should be mandatory or strongly recommended for the general public when in public transport and public spaces, for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Masking to be mandatory for those in essential functions (health care workers, social & family workers, police & military, service sector, construction workers…) Medical masks, gloves, equally safe PPE to be provided by employers. Cloth masks to be used if others unavailable
3. Countries should aim to eventually secure mass production and availability of appropriate medical masks (without exhalation valves) for the entire population during the pandemic
4. Until supplies are sufficient, members of the general public should wear nonmedical fabric face masks when going out in public and medical masks should be reserved for essential functions
5. The authorities should issue masking guidelines to residents and companies regarding the correct and optimal ways to make, wear and disinfect masks
6. The introduction of mandatory masking will benefit from being rolled out together with campaigns, citizen initiatives, the media, NGOs, and influencers in order to avoid a public backlash in societies not culturally accustomed to masking
WHITE PAPER: “Universal Masking to Restart Society and Save Lives: COVID-19 Data, Simulations, Policy Recommendations” by De Kai, Guy-Philippe Goldstein, Alexey Morgunov, Vishal Nangalia, and Anna Rotkirch. 20 Apr 2020,…
RESEARCH ARTICLE: “Universal Masking is Urgent in the COVID-19 Pandemic: SEIR and Agent Based Models, Empirical Validation, Policy Recommendations” by De Kai, Guy-Philippe Goldstein, Alexey Morgunov, Vishal Nangalia, and Anna Rotkirch. 21 Apr 2020,…