1. From today’s @nytimes @jshkatz @sangerkatz.
EXCESS DEATHS in 2 months compared to prior years: Off the charts. nytimes.com/interactive/20…

EXCESS DEATHS in almost every country studied. Note how off the wall these numbers are compared to previous years. This is extraordinary: I have never seen anything like this.
cc: @ASlavitt @ScottGottliebMD @EricTopol

EXCESS DEATHS in almost every country studied: off the charts compared to previous years. Mind boggling. Extraordinary.

It’s not a choice between Sweden vs S. Korea. We knows who’s doing well and who’s not.
It’s not a choice between young vs older people. Young people are at serious risk.
We have to follow the data and the science.
Continue social distancing
Continue universal masking
#Masks4all @jeremyphoward
-We are starting to flatten the curve
-We have better tests
-Drugs to treat severe COVID: promising results with tocilizumab yesterday.
-Many many vaccines being developed at breakneck speed.