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The @nytimes@zeynep has long blocked me because frankly, I’ve been beyond brutal in my criticism of her - & rightfully so.

Since then, along with multiple excellent articles by @thackerpd, @michaelpsenger, & @KelleyKga, she’s been fully & unflatteringly exposed.

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Since then, @zeynep, w/ zero formal training or experience in the biomedical science she’s set her sights on yet another area where she can go ahead & cosplay as a biomedical scientist - so-called “Long COVID” research.

Her current feed is littered with tweets like this:

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Her current dalliance is over what set of diagnostic criteria provides the greatest inter-rater reliability for diagnosing “Long COVID.”

A great problem for @zeynep, who has training in statistics, but wouldn’t recognize an valid medical illness if it hit her in the head.

Read 8 tweets
THREAD – The Ultimate COVID Video Library

A semi-chronological, open-access library of the most important and viral video clips from throughout the response to COVID. This thread has no end, so videos after the first hundred or so may be added ad hoc. Be sure to bookmark! 1/ Image
Jan 2020 – Shortly after Xi Jinping announces the strictest lockdown in history in Wuhan, China, videos begin going viral all over the world supposedly showing Wuhan residents spontaneously collapsing and falling to their deaths from the new virus. 2/
Feb 2020 – In some of the most powerful propaganda of the entire COVID saga, viral videos purport to show CCP officials welding Wuhan residents into their homes to prevent them from going outside during lockdown. 3/
Read 87 tweets
Are you tired of screaming at the CDC and seeing absolutely no change in healthcare masking?

I propose an alternative. But first? I need to set the context.

Analysis: the CDC is used to being yelled at. Walensky is a political appointee, so obviously, her loyalty lies with Image
It is ineffective to yell at the CDC when there are far more effective targets.

Targets who are not used to the sheer onslaught of public attention we can bring in a never ending surge.

Targets who are FAR less likely to be beholdened to lobbyists.
Are Hospital Acquired Infections (aka nosocomial infections) even a a serious issue?

According to the federal and state governments, no.

1.6% in this Politico Article.…

H/t @laurieallee

But surely that's not every hospital, right?

They don't ImageImage
Read 15 tweets

Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard played a decisive role shifting CDC guidance and ushering in mask mandates across America. Zeynep’s role in the COVID story goes far deeper than most realize. 1/…
After three years of speculation, an authoritative gold-standard Cochrane review including results from 78 peer-reviewed RCTs confirmed that across populations, masks, regardless of type, made “little to no difference” in preventing COVID or flu. 2/…
The Cochrane review seemed to settle the matter. Mask opponents had their trump card. But alas, the pro-mask establishment responded with a trump card of their own: an NYT op-ed by Zeynep Tufekci: “Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work” 3/…
Read 41 tweets
A debunking thread of common antimasking talking points:

Fauci, hazmat, "every doctor I know". Image
Fauci said masks don't work in February 2020, in an email?

Actually, he indicated that masks as source control do work.

"Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected..."

So, if you are going to cite this? Image
Welcome to #Masks4All. If we are all wearing masks, then each of us is wearing a mask to control the release of aerosols in the environment.

How many hours a week do you want to advocate for #Masks4All, @paluka ?

In regards to protecting myself wearing a mask - what do you
Read 12 tweets
I was an OG #Masks4All.

I was the only one wearing a mask in Western Washington - that I knew of. Probably more.

Masks are fewer, but there certainly are more than when I started.

Stephen is with a bunch of people engaging in a high-risk activity. Those who would be /1
being cautious?

Are not at the airport. They are not at the restaurant.

They are living fulfilling lives at home, at the parks, hanging outside in backyards.

Like LongCoVid, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Now, I could rumble in with the polls and data showing support for masking, but it's a beautiful day and I am not in the mood to provide data.

Since Stephen made the original claim, he can back it up with actual data.

At which point, I'll simply point out that support for
Read 4 tweets
#MedTwitter - I was wondering why Wen went on a blocking rampage on all of the medical blue checks the last few days.

It's because she's now trying to play like she's on CNN to give good advice to @katiahetter, CNN Science editor.

Fundamentally, Wen is an antimasker and it shows in her lack of knowledge.

"If you are going to wear a mask, please wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask -- an N95, KN95 or KF94 mask."

No. Has to be a valveless N95.

"simple cloth masks. They may think that those masks are protecting them, but they aren't doing much"

Old seatbelts don't do much.

But you should wear seatbelts.

Public Health is all about clarity of messaging. CNN is doing the American people no favors by hiring Wen.

Read 21 tweets
Dazzling, daring, stunning piece by JH Russell and @DmpPatterson in @tabletmag tellin the true story of masking during COVID 👇

"The overselling of policies began in the early days of the pandemic with the problematic #masks4all movement...."
must read
First, they are spot on. Many don't see it, but Trump is so influential, He sets the sides!

When he was for schools, Liberals lost their mind and worked to keep them closed; AAP did a bizarre flip flop & sided with unions to keep them closed.

And the same for masks 👇
Absolutely right again 👇

Inexperienced & naive twitter pundits kept saying the pandemic would vanish if we all worse a mask or n95 for 14, 21 days, a claim....

"neither true nor possible"
Read 20 tweets
My last few days on Twitter in health officials’ and MDs’ mentions urging them that “maybe you should think more about #longCOVID” feels eerily like Feb 2020 when I was urging “we need to mask the entire population.” Still remember when this was a minority opinion among experts
To be clear, I wasn’t the only one. I used to live in Asia, and spent time in cities where, out of politeness, people mask themselves when they *have a cold* to avoid sharing it with others. When it launched, I went bananas supporting the #masks4all campaign.
I am convinced this grassroots, mainly Twitter campaign brought us the one of the most effective risk reduction tools of this pandemic, which is both inspiring and deeply, deeply sad on many levels. (As in, it shifted national policy.)
Read 4 tweets
22 months in, and I still can find more accurate info about Covid on Twitter than if I had to instead rely on articles in NYTimes by Monica Gandhi, New Yorker by Dhruv Khullar, etc, and official signs from my govt (all emphasize hand-washing) 1/
I went from giving keynote talks warning about disinformation (2019) to helping @jeremyphoward make multiple YouTube videos contradicting the CDC & WHO (#masks4all, starting March 2020), even though I believe trustworthy institutions are essential for combating disinfo. 2/
Our institutions failed: saying masks don’t work; denying covid airborne; failing to address #LongCovid; treating disabled & elderly as expendable; claiming pandemic over; wishful thinking as policy; overpromising vaccines definitely end pandemic; ignoring pre-symptomatic 3/
Read 25 tweets
We can not fix public health until we reckon w/ how institutions have failed public’s trust (harmful advice, contradictory rules, overconfidence, disbelief of suffering patients). Patronizing "shut up & trust the experts" is not going to address this 1/
Some folks tell me experts gave the best advice known at the time, that nobody knew, that the evidence changed.

I need to share a few receipts. In March 2020, I publicly advocated for ordinary people to wear masks, at a time when CDC & WHO said not to 2/ Screenshot of tweet from @math_rachel Mar 29, 2020: Please rtweet from @math_rachel, Mar 29, 2020: Medical-grade masks stweet from @math_rachel, April 14, 2020. Excited about this screenshot of a youtube video.  Image of Rachel and Jeremy.
In March 2020, I said young & healthy people should NOT assume they were safe from potential long-term impacts of covid. I shared historical review of flu pandemics leading to neurological problems. 3/ tweet from @math_rachel, March 12, 2020: This is something mtweet from @math_rachel: Mar 13, 2020: "For more than atweet from @math_rachel, Mar 13, 2020: Don't just assume tha
Read 7 tweets
Dear Health Provider - the @readimask worn by the person who showed you that QR code (or this tweet) has no metal parts in it, and can safely be worn during an MRI.
This is what the looks like so you can visually confirm it's the same. ImageImageImageImage
As you can see below, it is only required that you confirm that the mask in question has no metal parts.

FDA source link.… Image
Read 11 tweets
We need more nuanced ways to talk about medical & public health disagreements, without the simplistic black-and-white reductions that you either trust ALL doctors in ALL matters OR you must be anti-science. 1/
"Science is less the parade of decisive blockbuster discoveries that the press often portrays, and more a slow, erratic stumble toward ever less uncertainty." @zeynep 2/

Pundits urge people to “listen to the science,” as if “the science” is a tome of facts and not an amorphous, dynamic entity. @edyong209 3/

Read 28 tweets
To all the proponents of herd immunity by natural infections, and the (not so) Great Barrington Declaration proponents— India is what happens with uncontrolled natural infection. Variants arise, and the young are susceptible. This virus has no rules. Catastrophe.
The only way out, and that too if we are lucky, is herd immunity by fully vaccinating >80% of the population, whether people have had COVID or not. And plan for boosters. This is no ordinary virus.

The variants in India, are the worlds problem too. If not now, in a few months.
Protecting the elderly may sound good on paper but is not practical. Even so, the crisis in India shows the virus if fully capable of deaths in young fit people. We are hearing heartbreaking stories everyday from India.
Read 6 tweets
1/Back in December, I wrote a thread about the father of the universal mask mandate @jeremyphoward and his #masks4all lobbyist group.
2/At the time, I noted his connections to WEF. I hadn't been exposed to McKinsey and Co's swampy role in C19 at that point. Well looky here. Howard is part of that circle too, albeit early on in his career:
3/A reminder that many masks mandates were predicated on Howard's dubious modeling and the promise that "if 80% or ppl wore masks that were 60% effective, spread of C19 would essentially halt." Howard's work cited to this day as evidence that "masks work".
Read 5 tweets
1/ Airborne transmission, and the 3 feet vs. 6 feet question: A 🧵 with links for policy advocates trying to sort through the science...

WARNING: Nuance Ahead
2/ COVID-19 is mainly spread by inhaling small particles.

Timeline with illustrations, articles, studies:
#COVIDisAirborne #masks4All #bewareOfSharedAir #ventilation. See:… via @AerosolizedC19

Airborne Transmission FAQ by experts:
3/ In addition, here's Dr. @linseymarr and Dr. @jljcolorado's bibliography regarding "Transmission of COVID-19." They're top experts.

"What We Know" 2021 summary: Respiratory plumes/short-range "close" exposure are <1.5 m (4.92 ft)
Read 27 tweets
1/ The father of the universal mask mandate @jeremyphoward. Why did this AI scientist from San Fran go all in with his #masks4all movement for a couple of months last summer and then walk away?

@ianmSC @mamasaurusMeg @MarkChangizi @Kevin_McKernan @KristenMeghan @AlexBerenson
2/With no expertise in a related field, armed with a pile of untested theories and a website full of junk data/science, his movement was granted an MSM soapbox and managed to unleash cascading mask mandates all over the western world over a 2 month period
3/The messaging was: 80% of ppl wearing masks would reduce cases by 1/12 (basically eradicating C19!) Failure to do so could make you responsible for killing someone! Masks would prevent lockdowns. No need to concern yourselves about the old mask science

Read 10 tweets
Like many of you, I’ve been following obsessively COVID-19 updates since January.

“Apollo’s arrow: the profound & enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live” by @NAChristakis gave me a lot of perspective & a reality check.

Here’s one tweet per 📖chapter🧵👇🏽
1. An infinitesimal thing — the butterfly effect: How small, almost imperceptible events –like SARS-CoV-2— can alter the way the world operates in a matter of weeks

Do you remember how China built a hospital in days?

2. An old enemy returns.

We forget the lessons of previous pandemics for many reasons: they happened a long time ago, very few people alive today –like Marilee Shapiro Asher–can remember how it was.

What happened is not new to our species, just to us.

Read 9 tweets
Wow, this is what I've been advocating for Ontario school boards since August!

The School District of Philadelphia is measuring the outdoor air amount supplied by mechanical #ventilation of every room in every school. THREAD #onted
They use 15 CFM per person of outdoor air as the threshold.

Technically, ASHRAE Standard 62.1 is 10 CFM/person plus 0.12 CFM/sqft. If there are 18 persons in a 750 sqft room it works out to the same.

You can view the ASHRAE standards from this page:… Recommended healthy air flow in a classroom is 15 CFM per pe
Back in August, I recommended posting a sign on each school room:
Read 14 tweets
The common refrain from experts early on was that masks were not needed unless you are sick. I believed this till Mar 29. Then the evidence became too strong that masks were needed for everyone. But the message was that it was only to protect others from you (source control).
But the high rate of serious illness in healthcare workers, the lower mortality in mask wearing countries and COMMON SENSE meant masks must protect the wearer also (work as PPE). People are also more likely to wear a mask of it helps themselves not just others.
Read 6 tweets
Why COVID became a pandemic:
1) New virus
2) Large susceptible population 3) No antiviral/vaccine against this virus class
4) Delays/Failures in implementing border control & universal masks
5) High proportion of asymptomatic infections which facilitated easy unsuspecting spread
The first 4 of these reasons were also true of the other 2 recent corona virus epidemic prone outbreaks: SARS and MERS.

They were actually more serious. But SARS & MERS almost always caused symptoms. So you could identify patients with infections and prevent spread more easily.
Many estimates of the proportion of COVID19 infections that are asymptomatic have been published. I’m sticking with my estimate from April: approximately 80%.

Subsequent data from Antarctica cruise, Peru etc support this level of asymptomatic disease
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India must be being protected by cross reactive immunity from prior corona viral infections.

Let us examine the data:

1)>2.7 million diagnosed with COVID.

2) Seroprevalence in hotspots:
Mumbai slums 57%
Pune 52%
Delhi 29%

3) Much lower mortality than expected. @nramind
4) There is decrease in new cases in Mumbai & Delhi.

5) Mumbai and Delhi hospitals have not had the overflowing ICUs & ERs seen in Lombardy or NY despite far less resources.

6) Tens of millions live in situations where social distancing is impossible. Explains seroprevalence
7) Talking to friends Mumbai is slowly returning to normal.

8) With this level of seroprevalence the mortality rates if similar to the US should be far far higher. But it’s not.
Read 14 tweets
1. We generally assume two things of government: competence and benevolence. What happens when we get a government that exhibits little of either? Let's take an issue I've been flogging recently; the opening of schools.
2. In the event of a pandemic, a competent government commissions independent scientific research into risks and how to minimise them. The Johnson government has done this, and both sets of scientific advisers have recommended wearing masks in schools.

3. A competent, benevolent government would seek to minimise harm and implement a relatively simple precautionary measure to protect public health. Political pressure from the right wing of the party means this government isn't following the scientific advice.
Read 18 tweets
I have a 3 & 6 year old registered in a @TCDSB school, the 1st ON board to mandate masks for kids Jk to Gr 3. The pushback on this by parents is mond-boggling so a thread on why I am very supportive of this decision. #SafeSeptemberON #TCDSB
Unfortunately @Sflecce has not given the boards resources to allow for small cohorts with 2m distancing in well ventilated areas. If we had that, masks would not be needed. But instead what we face is 32 people enclosed in a small room 5 days a week.
Anyone who thinks this is remotely safe without masks with this virus either has not been paying attention or expects other people to work in conditions they would never put themselves in.
Read 20 tweets

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