From Danielle Mottale:
Consider this:
If people start subscribing to the idea that all people should, and must be responsible for the wellbeing of others, kindly remove your head from your rear ends for one second and reflect on what that actually means.

Other than the simple fact that this premise is in and of itself IMPOSSIBLE, If the time does come and it is widely accepted that the responsibility is shifted from the individual to the public, then individual liberty is dead.
Gone ad infinitum.
You might as well glue your dumb ass mask to your face for good because there will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be something potentially dangerous lurking around for others to "catch". And now that they 'sold' you on the (erroneous) theory of being a "carrier", albeit asymptomatic, and...
....therefore a danger to others, the possibilities of assault on freedom are endless.It's a done deal, kids.
Please use your BRAINS for the love of God!
Because the precedent that these degenerate criminals are putting in place will one day, soon, be....
.... impossible to remove, not only de facto, but from people's psyches.
If you don't care about this now, or think it trivial now, by the time you don't, and I guarantee, one day you won't, it will be far too late.