via Lynn Davies
The average American is pampered, niave and child like in their view of the world. They don't understand the level of sophistication that goes into operations by communists to takedown a nation. They believe it can't happen here in the US. Or that a network...
...of people can can be so large working in unison. Judges, prosecutors, police, captains, military, politicians, media, fortune 500 companies, big tech, the medical establishment can't all be working together It's impossible they say. Hitler a a few men didn't takeover...
....Germany and kill millions. Stalin and a few men didn't take over Russia and kill 100s of millions. Mao and a few men didn't takeover and kills 100s of millions. It takes a army of people with the same ideology. America is at war with Communists and they are diobolical....
.....and just as evil as Hitler Stalin and Mao. They won't kill populations with bombs and guns this time it will be silent and deadly bioweapon
Remember the 5G 60GHz will do the most damage along side the vaccine to kill more people.
What's going on now Is not about skin color, we all have a common enemy!!