I complained a bit in the review of the pilot that it felt kinda kiddified compared to the Clone Wars series, and...so far that's kinda true, but there ARE good elements. #StarWarsRebels
Unless Ezra's like, a clone or something. #StarWarsRebels
And yes, I know Darth Vader and Ahsoka show up in important roles later, but I'm just saying we need to use the named characters sparingly. I honestly think the show's at its strongest without them. #StarWarsRebels
Man, and people complained about his portrayal in Solo. #StarWarsRebels
...Ezra, keep saying creepy things like that and your Sith name'll be Darth Simpius. #StarWarsRebels
She's over on another Disney+ show--oh, you mean Sabine. #StarWarsRebels
Well, if all these EU shows are any indication, you clearly didn't do a good enough job.
More like Order 60-SHIT- #StarWarsRebels
Like...he's apparently a high-ranking officer, but whoop-dee-shit. #StarWarRebels
The episodes that focused on Tarkin didn't do that. #StarWarsRebels
Hey, if they do, like what you like. But I'd like to understand why. #StarWarsRebels
Shame about the Inquisitor, though. He was a pretty cool villain, and it made for an awesome final battle. #StarWarsRebels
Unfortunately I also spoiled myself when trying to look up his voice actor. Damn. #StarWarsRebels
...I mean, not for nothing, but you're the one who blew her up, dude. #StarWarsRebels
Imagine New Hope if it did, though. Who'd be the villain then, Grand Moff Tarkin? #StarWarsRebels
How many more, Chopper?
How many more...have to die? #StarWarsRebels
Give or take about...oh, 30 more Jedi that are still alive, depending on which source. #StarWarsRebels
You know, something missing from RoS. #StarWarsRebels
His appearance in the pilot movie was pretty cool. #StarWarsRebels
Okay, I get what that's a reference to, but if anything, the four-legged walkers seem more stable than the two-legged ones they've been using. Unless you happen to have a ship with a cable release. #StarWarsRebels
This is not the upgrade you think it is. #StarWarsRebels
Maybe this series DOES have balls. #StarWarsRebels

Me, an intellectual: youtube.com/watch?v=t9wmWZ… #StarWarsRebels

And I don't think it sucked. Sure, it was a bit preachy in places, but it's still pretty well-done.
How'd that happen? #StarWarsRebels
"Oh, for--it's three pieces!" #StarWarsRebels
Okay, I officially love this series now.
Say what you will about Episode 1, I like those little things. Maybe because I loved playing Episode 1 Racer as a kid. #StarWarsRebels

Zeb, you basically run on all fours most of the time. #StarWarsRebels
Yeah, that's pretty much what parents do in a nutshell. #StarWarsRebels
...you know, that's a good point. Sabine's a Mandalorian, why doesn't she have one? #StarWarsRebels #GiveSabineAJetpackYouCowards
Aside from how Hera acted in it, this was a good episode, but that part's still annoying. #StarWarsRebels
Granted, I know that's not their biggest concern after Order 66, but Kanan and Hera are clearly a couple. #StarWarsRebels
I need a cigarette after that finale...
Ezra finally got a haircut. #StarWarsRebels
Right now episode III Anakin is looking at you and going "Dude...I slaughtered a temple full of children, and that was still pretty damn evil!" #StarWarsRebels
Seriously, how come those things weren't used more often? They were cool! #StarWarsRebels
That's...ABSURDLY OP, but okay. #StarWarsRebels

*this episode starts with an entire rebel fleet getting wiped out*
I'M SORRY! #StarWarsRebels
That hurt. #StarWarsRebels
Still not my favorite idea, though. #StarWarsRebels
...does he? I mean, not for nothing, Hondo would betray you if given the chance, but he HAS helped your cause a few times, even so. #StarWarsRebels
This version of Thrawn never does that. #StarWarsRebels
Making a liar out of me, huh show? Alright, I'll keep an open mind for now. #StarWarsRebels
His mutton chops still look ridiculous, though. #StarWarsRebels
MINDBLOWING! #StarWarsRebels
That's a good thing. #StarWarsRebels
I mean, Grievous had no problems mowing them down, but I'll take your word for it. #StarWarsRebels

Then again, it apparently worked for Starkiller. #StarWarsRebels
But, I think I could go for one more before we stop tonight. #StarWarsRebels
Seriously, these guys NEVER show up after episode 1, and they're responsible for the best scene in the movie. It's a shame. #StarWarsRebels
Well fuck, now I HAVE to watch the next episode. #StarWarsRebels
The fact that he's shrinking and cowering might have something to do with it, but that's just me. #StarWarsRebels
Me: *facepalm* #StarWarsRebels
...so they can...do what exactly? The Senate can't exactly wag their finger at the Empire and tell them to stop. #StarWarsRebels
AP-5: "Doing what?"
That's code for jerking off. #StarWarsRebels
Well, besides the Droidekas, but they just roll up into a ball for easy travel. #StarWarsRebels
Usually when they do, it's Ezra being kinda creepy, but I like this better. #StarWarsRebels
Well, not for nothing, Kanan, but between you and her, Hera's the one with eyes. #StarWarsRebels
You know, I said at the start that Zeb was my favorite character, but so far, every episode with Sabine has been some of the best in the series. That might change. #StarWarsRebels
Cause I get it. I get what made them so cool to a section of fans.
Funny thing: my roommate had his own set of armor. #StarWarsRebels
Well, it's still a good episode. #StarWarsRebels
Later today, I'm at least going to finish season 3. But for now, sleep. #StarWarsRebels
Hera said that there was more than one option. For all you know, he could be halfway across the galaxy! #StarWarsRebels
Fuck, this is an intense season finale...almost as intense as the last one. #StarWarsRebels
Just saying. #StarWarsRebels
Now, I'll have to call it quits for tonight--and tomorrow, because I won't be home. But after that, we start the last one...and the shortest. #StarWarsRebels
I know it's taken most of the month to get here, but it still feels like it ended quickly. #StarWarsRebels
Okay, that was funny. #StarWarsRebels
Like, they're trying to say he's a loose cannon, that doesn't care who he kills or compromises as long as he defeats his enemies. But he's doing the opposite of that. #StarWarsRebels
This is a dumb two-parter. #StarWarsRebels
Cats: *attack stormtroopers*
What did you think was going to happen? #StarWarsRebels
Honestly, stealing the Defender was probably the smartest thing she could have done--unless it has some kind of tracker on it. #StarWarsRebels
Me, reflexively: "General Kenobi..." #StarWarsRebels
Foreman: "That'ssss racist!" #StarWarsRebels
I can handle a few more before stopping, though. #StarWarsRebels
...do you guys know what the word 'assassin' means? #StarWarsRebels
Technically you could say that about the rest of the seasons, but most of season 4 has taken place around the occupation of Lothal, and it doesn't wear out its welcome. #StarWarsRebels
With your blindfold off, I could have sworn that--never mind. #StarWarsRebels
Man, he really should have shared that technology with somebody. #StarWarsRebels
Ezra: "Clearly you've never heard of Jackson Pollack." #StarWarsRebels
I get that Kanan had to die in order for the events after it to take place, but...why was it okay to save her, then? #StarWarsRebels

God, I can't believe I'm almost at the end. #StarWarsRebels
Or...you know...a decent human being. #StarWarsRebels
Palpatine: "What? No--who'd believe a stupid twist like that?!" #StarWarsRebels
Palpatine: "Yes it can."
Ezra: "No, it really--"
Palpatine: "DEWITT!" #StarWarsRebels
Rex: "On the bright side, we have ham for dinner." #StarWarsRebels
I mean...I'm mostly satisfied with it, but there were quite a few things left unfinished...
Then again, if RoS taught me anything, it's that sometimes the answers aren't worth knowing. #StarWarsRebels
Season 2's finale is where the series peaked, and after that it never quite achieved those heights.
But I'm still very glad I finally saw it.