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"Should I?"

"It's not gonna watch itself."

"But it's Halloween..."

"Not anymore. And if you leave it, it's just going to come back."

"...fine. Let's do this." #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So we open on some guy in a dingy old warehouse wearing a hoodie that probably hasn't been washed in weeks.

Meet our main villain, ladies and gentlemen. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
This dialogue...I know he's trying to be intimidating, but his appearance, attire, and home base reek of a tryhard trying to ACT like he's some criminal mastermind.

And that's not supposed to be the point, either. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, according to my sources (heh) this guy is called, I shit you not, The Sourceror. Because apparently whoever made this was a fan of Terry Pratchett.

Not that that's a bad thing, but I wouldn't want to be associated with this. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Sourceror: "The Internet isn't safe. It's vulnerable, and so are the people who use it every day."

Apparently this guy works for the NSA. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, something that I can't convey through text is that the Sourceror speaks with this horrible, faux-gravelly voice that, again, reeks of a tryhard trying to be intimidating. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
We're also introduced to (most of) our main cast of heroes, which are honestly about as stock as you can get.

Yeah, I'm gonna have LOTS of fun following both these factions. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
If somehow you missed out on this series after seeing the original ReBoot...well, first of all, I'm sorry for introducing you to it. And second, you may be wondering what this has to do with the cliffhanger at the end of the original.

Moving on. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So for our heroes, we have Cool Spice, Blogger Spice, Sporty Spice, and Gamer Spice.

Like I said, riveting characters. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So because she has a blog, some girl at school recognizes her on her first day at school?

Yeah, cause that's totally how that works. I'm recognized everywhere I go, boy howdy. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Because your dad taught here?"

Oh gee, Cool Spice has a disappeared dad. I WONDER WHO THE SOURCEROR IS... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Gamer Spice brings up a good point--this kid is clearly more into extreme sports than coding. Why is he going to a technical school instead of an athletic one just because his dad taught there? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Then again, apparently the school has a basketball team so Sporty Spice can do stuff, so I guess there's space for that?

I'm just saying, he doesn't seem like he wants to be a programmer. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the Sourceror attacks the U.K.'s power grid, which is apparently like a power plant in cyberspace run by pit droids from Star Wars, with these cybernetic locusts.

This was easier to swallow in the first series, guys. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I mean it--back then, so many people were unfamiliar with home computers. ReBoot was the first TV show made with computers, so creating this fantasy world inside a computer seemed believable. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
But now, almost 20 years later, we know what the Internet is really like. It'd be easier to get into it if we never saw the real world like in the original series, but no, this series mostly takes place there. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So this A.I. called Vera detects the locusts, and her first plan...her FIRST not to activate an antivirus program, but to recruit four teenagers with attitude to fight them. Because shut up. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And yes...I mean four teenagers from the REAL world.

This series is basically Code Lyoko: Evolution for ReBoot. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So this group has two kids named Trey and Parker.

Appropriate, given that this feels like a parody of itself. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Created by Michael Hefferon."

Hoo boy...again, I hate to attack real people in my videos, but the more you learn about #ReBootTheGuardianCode, the more you will come to hate that name...
You know, it's a good thing these kids had their phones out in high school just so Vera could give them the alert to take them to the secret room in the basement.

I know it's a tech school, but most high schools would confiscate those. #ReBootTheGuardianCode, I hate to be that guy, but how has nobody noticed the secret underground airplane hangar beneath the school that probably uses massive amounts of power? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And yes, these four kids are recruited to be Guardians because they're the four top scorers in the Guardian mobile game.

It's like The Last Starfighter, but a whole lot dumber. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Googz!" Yeah, that doesn't sound awkward or like a racial slur when you say it out loud...what's their team name, the Fighting Chings? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
By the way, the only thing you'll see in the first episode that even resembles ReBoot is the Guardian logo, and the fact that they're inside the Internet. More stuff does appear later, but...not well. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"This might be the best virtual reality experience ever." Don't flatter yourself-this is Lyoko in an Iron Man suit. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Their ship is called the Codec? Ah, so this is what I can blame when my videos don't convert properly. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You know, all that being said, the kids are taking being beamed into VR rather well. As Linkara would say "Be impressed, dammit!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The power suits are...okay, I guess...except for Blogger Spice's. She's kinda supposed to be a ninja, but she has these weird mini-skis on her feet. I'd say she's wearing skates, but they're too long. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"So we could actually get hurt here? We could even die?"

"We gotta make sure that doesn't happen."

Again, Blogger Spice had the appropriate reaction. Vera, this is a really stupid plan. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Sourceror, WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?! Your computer can't hear you--yet. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Come on, you ugly bugs!" It...did NOT sound like he said 'bugs,' lol. Or maybe I'm just looking for anything to entertain me at this point. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Yes, I'm sure the team leader died in the first episode of 20...I'm pretty sure even the kids who were supposedly this show's target audience wouldn't be fooled by that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Because if we told people that we found a secret room hidden behind a hologram wall in the school basement where we can go inside the Internet and fight cyber-locusts, they'd totally believe us."

Well, when you put it that way it just sounds stupid. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So because Gamer Spice pushed some random buttons at the start of the episode, this somehow turned Vera, the AI, into a human.

Somewhere, a nerdy blonde kid in France is staring dumbfounded at how easy that was. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, the transfer is irreversible, because...why wouldn't it be? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Well, that was the first episode.

You know, if this were just a show on its own, it wouldn't be AWFUL so much as generic, dumb, and easy to nitpick. But it has to bear the name ReBoot, 20 years after it ended. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...and in episode 2, Megabyte returns. Without Tony Jay to class up the place a bit.

This is gonna hurt. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So Megabyte's first appearance has him looking...okay. But I know the show's going to change it immediately.

And I know they couldn't exactly avoid Tony Jay's death, but in this case, it REALLY hurts that he's not here. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Gamer Spice, don't try to stick your dick in an AI. It never works out well.

Well, it worked out okay for Jeremy, but at least Aelita was a real person first! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Wait, so these kids are the first humans to become Guardians?

...then why not create an artificial one? That seemed to work out pretty well for, you know, the show this is a sequel to! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Leaders are supposed to follow the rules."

That's the exact opposite of what a leader is, but continue. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So in the first episode, they teased that the leader died, and in the second one, they tease him leaving the team.

You're not fooling anybody. You know that, right? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
New Megabyte is just...ugh. Apparently the creator’s idea of an ‘upgrade’ was to make him more glowy, with bigger eyebrows. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, he looks like he has an exposed heart in a 'ribcage,' which is exactly what you want in a main antagonist, right? An obvious weak point?

Oh, I forgot-he isn't the main antagonist anymore. He's the Sourceror's bitch now. *sigh* #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Is this about Bob?"
"Who's Bob?"

A character from a much better show. Too easy, I know, but it's true. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so apparently that stuff inside him is 'delete code,' whatever that is. Wouldn't that just kill him slowly? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"I will obey...for now."

What is this, Beast Wars?

Wrong Mainframe series, you're fucking this one up badly enough. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I like how Vera, despite being human now, still has god-like power over computers just by cricking her neck.

How exactly does that work, with her being human and all? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, I love how the leader kid just left the team because he felt he wasn't qualified to be a spite of the fact that he led them effortlessly in the first episode. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Let me get this straight, Vera. These locusts have been coming through one singular tunnel all this time...and it never occurred to you to track them back to the source?

This brings new meaning to the term 'artificial stupidity.' #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Guardians? You don't look like guardians to me..."

I mean, you're right, but you don't look like Megabyte, so... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, now the show is trying to say that leader kid is afraid to be the leader because he's afraid of losing somebody else, like his dad. Even though we know he's alive, but we'll ignore that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
This isn't a BAD idea for a character motivation, but it would be so much more effective if he'd had this scene at his dad's grave AFTER someone on the team got seriously injured or was seemingly lost. Every action cartoon knows this. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Do what is right, and you will do no wrong?" That's...dumb.

Not to mention a weird thing to put on the guy's gravestone. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, new Megabyte...well, let's just say he's no Greg Baldwin. Again, Tony Jay has some big shoes to fill, but this guy was not quite there. He does a decent approximation of him when he speaks softly, but he doesn't sound like him when he yells. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Man, what must the U.K. think of all this? They're still in the same location, so from their point of view the power just keeps going on, and off, and on, and off... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Today's forecast-cloudy with a chance of bug guts."

...the bugs disappear on impact. You fail. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"This Guardian Code...eliminate it."

With pleasure. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Episode 2 done, and that was somehow even dumber than the first, even if Megabyte was back...kinda. Oh, and so were Frisket and Dot's Diner...for about five seconds.

I think that's enough for tonight. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Parker--you used a shield in the last episode. Isn't that already a weapons upgrade? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So Parker wants to train using a Clash of Clans knockoff, but Megabyte wants to use the NPCs in that game to conquer more of cyberspace.

Again...this would be so much cooler if we didn't see this from the real world. This sounds like something he'd do in the original series,-
but in the original series, we didn't get a sense of scale. Sure, from both angles it's kinda dumb, but the original series made you feel the stakes a lot more because you got to know the characters who would possibly be deleted if the User won. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"No colluding on family game night!" *raises hand, then shakes head*

No...not even this show deserves a Trump joke. (He said knowing full well Megabyte quotes him later.) #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...why is he in everyone's version of the game and not just his own? He never said he was playing PVP. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You know, I legitimately feel sorry for Timothy Brummund. There are glimpses at greatness in his performance as Megabyte, but the scripts just SUCK. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"You know that Guardian Rule #7 is never to go in cyberspace without my authorization!"

Since when?! You never established any rules! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the suits can actually KILL them if they run out of power?!

Whose bright idea was this?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Network!" "Power surge!"

You're just saying random computer buzzwords and acting like they mean something. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
There are only four guards. I think you can take them! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
How did the guard fall into the hole when they float everywhere...? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
See, seconds later they even go up a flight of stairs after it turns into a slide with no problems. Consistency? Anyone? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So, wait...he broke the rules, that were never established onscreen...but you're gonna reward him for it anyway?!

Great message for kids, guys! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, apparently they didn't get Megabyte out of the Fortress Command game.

Enjoy all your corrupted avatars, kids! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And that's episode 3 done...I'm taking a break for a bit.
And Megabyte has a cat know, I honestly don't mind that. It's something that the original Megabyte probably would have done if he were bored. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Megabyte: "It'll be a PURR-fect idea." Fuck you.

Yeah, I'm with Trey on this one--he's an athlete. Those are where his skills are. And you're trying to make him study programming...why? I'm not saying athletes can't be programmers, but also, why did you send him to a programming school to begin with? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Tonight, on Riverdale...

Who am I kidding, Riverdale is probably way better than this. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the cat a virus that infects other programs with cat videos.

Uh, isn't that pretty much the Internet in a nutshell? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh, and the name of this episode?

CATastrophe. Because OF FUCKING COURSE IT IS- #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Vera: "Do I actually want to eat a cat?"
Trey: *looks up, interested*
Me: "That's not the kind of pussy she wants to eat, Trey." #ReBootTheGuardianCode in this universe, the department of Internet Security has a jail where they capture viruses, instead of just destroying them.

Wouldn't that be the perfect place for Megabyte to break into and free all his fellow viruses?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Apparently the Sourceror stole Crocker's fairy-tracking van. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Hello, kitty..." "Come on, Grumpy Cat!"

STOP WITH THE CAT JOKES! You are not Eartha Kitt! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You know, maybe it would help them fight Megabyte if you didn't hide every upgrade beyond some arbitrary leveling system. What is this, Metroid Other M? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the Sourceror steals this weird box-shaped computer system...I know it's supposedly really powerful, but I'm just picturing Josh going "It's cubical! CUBICAL!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"We'll be doing the crushing, Mega-dongle."

It's sad when the 90's cartoon was better at kid-friendly insults. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Cut to the Sourceror eating Chinese food out of a box...with his hands.

Again, this is our big bad villain. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, in spite of the fact that he had Megabyte disable the security system so he could get the computer...he didn't have him turn off the security cameras, so now he's caught on tape.

DUMBASS. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Does EVERYONE on this team have daddy issues? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
She named the cat 'Hashtag.'

Is it because she doesn't understand anything besides computers, or is it because she wants to appeal to dem kids today? You make the call! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, the cat virus puked up what they thought was a hairball, but might really egg? A bomb? Whatever it is, that's the cliffhanger for the episode.

Riveting. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I just noticed, but--are the Sourceror's teeth black?

I know that he's possessed by dark code, but either way, EW... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Every time the Sourceror is projected into the computer so he can talk to Megabyte, it looks like he's talking through a Game Boy Camera. Why? *shrug* #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Cold pizza's the perfect meal. All the four food groups deliciously wrapped together."

A man after my own heart. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
A fart joke? Really?

For some reason I thought the show was above that. My mistake. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the cat spit up file. Of Trey's dad. (I called gamer kid Trey earlier, he's actually Parker.)

Why would the cat virus that Megabyte created have that? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"My dad created The Guardian Code."'s funny because he's named after the creator's son. -_- #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"You're like Vera's brother, from another motherboard."

...shut the fuck up, Parker. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Good help is so hard to find."

Pretty sure Megabyte said that line verbatim to Hack and Slash.

...I miss them. It would help to have Scott McNeill back at least. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Man, this teacher sucks. He just blatantly broke part of the school code and when someone pointed that out to them, he sent them to detention.

He must have tenure. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"They don't call it the information superhighway for nothing."

Parker, no one after the 90's has called it that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So Megabyte needs someone else's replication program to make more sentinels?

He could do that just fine back when he was in Mainframe! Or did the Sourceror just pull him out of Mainframe without all his toys? Man, the Sourceror SUCKS! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Megabyte's building a mega-army!" Yeah, there's like...six of them! How horrible! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the emergency evacuation alarm at this school is accompanied by rave music? Man, this school is awesome! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh, so when leader boy screws up, he gets a slap on the wrist, but when Parker screws up, he gets punished. (But also rewarded?) #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Your father would have been proud of what you did today." Would he? Yeah, they stopped the replicator, but they didn't get the sphere and almost got captured. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And that's 5 episodes in.

You know, as dull as this series is, at least I'm a quarter of the way through it already. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I swear that episode 6 starts out with a song with the beat stolen from "Party Rock Anthem."

Just a reminder, #RebootTheGuardianCode came out in 2018.
Ha ha ha, it's funny because Vera doesn't know how to dance.

I mean, the main characters aren't much better, but I can't really talk in that regard. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so this is the episode where Data-I mean, Vera puts in an emotion program. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Sourceror: "We're just beginning getting started. This is only step one."

I'm pretty sure you just said the same thing three times in a row. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
See, kids, you can tell which code is Megabyte because his is glowing green...for some reason. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, angry, catty Vera is actually pretty funny. She tries to be intimidating, but it's like a kitten standing up to a lion. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"I should have known Megabyte was working with the Sourceror!" didn't know that already? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, honestly, the scene with Vera rocking out as the Codec breaks through Megabyte's army is a pretty fun one.

Though it's undercut by the idea that it should have had weapons to begin with. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...did the Sourceror just eat a worm? As in, a real worm?

The fuck are you, a zombie? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...he made the worm virus eat itself.

*blink, blink*

...okay. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
White People Dancing: The Episode. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Maybe what I need is more Megabytes." Well, install another hard drive, then. *rimshot*

But yeah, why didn't you do that in the first place? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Wow, I'm like a third of the way done already. This is going surprisingly fast. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
If you're trying to establish that the basketball team is bad, why are half the shots you show of them still making baskets? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, their team is called the Codebreakers. Because literally EVERYTHING at this school is about computers. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"You're the video game bunch that keeps him from his studies." Asshole, you came here to watch him practice for a basketball game. That's not studying either, Anti-Dad! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh look, Megabyte's army is trying to break the rest of the viruses out of the virus prison. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, I think he was trying to say 'Mega-doofus,' but because of the background noise it sounded more like 'Mega-douche-us.' #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Only a lunatic would attack Virusylum." Only a lunatic would build it, too. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"What about Trey's gay?"

I dunno, what about his gay?

Seriously, there was no 'M' in that line read. He said 'gay.' #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The gamer kid mumbles a lot, so it's hard to tell what he's saying. I have no problem deciphering the others' lines, it's just him. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Trey: *sees his friends are gone* "Where ARE they?"

Gee, your friends all went off together at once, like they usually do when you fight viruses-WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY ARE, GENIUS?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so now Megabyte can replicate himself into fully functional copies. Can't wait to see how they write around this one, because this is too good to be a permanent thing. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh, so the Guardians can just take them out in one hit with no problem.

This show is great, you guys. The only ones who don't like it are ReBoot nostalgia nerds, we swear. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Multiple Megabytes."

You mean Gigabytes? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
*Trey shows up and destroys the replicator immediately*

Well...that was way too fucking easy. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...after all that, you still didn't get the sphere?

So let me get this straight. The only problem that was solved was the one introduced in this episode?

Fucking hell... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I love how both his dad and his coach want to know where Trey's been, but when he can't think of an answer, they just drop it immediately. To quote Allison, "Makes it easy!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, why did Trey have to tell his dad that they play video games together? Just say they're your study group--your dad's obsessed with you studying, so problem solved. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh, and the Sourceror now knows the Guardians are human because he bled real blood when Megabyte cut him...for some reason. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
This guy...gets control of every appliance in their house...which is somehow the right house, even though he has no way of knowing that...and he uses it to make their Alexa knockoff snippy and disobedient.

The fiend! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, I probably should watch more than one episode today, but I need to go to bed.

At least I'm coming up on the halfway point. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I still can't believe that he takes control of Alexa and makes it stop working, and he's like all maniacal like "ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU" over here. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
In fairness, I can see why Vera would get upset that an AI who is supposed to help people isn't helping people. What I can't see is why this is such a threat.

It's not like their phones have stopped working. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...wait, since when can ninja girl turn invisible? Wouldn't that have been INSANELY USEFUL before?!

Oh wait, I forgot, she has to level up to get upgrades. *eyeroll* #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Shouldn't you try to avoid destroying the security software? If we're going by the logic that software is sentient, then aren't you killing civilians? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so his plan was to get the Guardians to reset Alexa's systems so he could take it over.

Again, what exactly does this accomplish? If you had control of all electronics everywhere, that'd be something, but you have control of an assistant bot. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Yeah, they treat this like it's a big deal, like leader kid's mom's car is hooked up to Alexa while she's driving, but the only thing it can really do is play loud music and turn on the headlights. Not good, but only distracting. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, lady, here's an idea...TURN OFF YOUR PHONE! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
He's drinking sour milk out of a bottle.

You cannot be intimidating while drinking plain milk. You just can't. Especially not when you're letting it run down your face.

And before you bring up A Clockwork Orange, this isn't laced with anything. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And in the long term, what does this Alexa hack accomplish? They act like the Sourceror wants to make people question their over-reliance on technology, but...isn't that the opposite of what he wants? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Like...I know enough about the show to know that the Sourceror is a human being possessed by Dark Code, whatever that's supposed to be. But wouldn't the code want more technology to infect?

But say this Alexa hack works. What then? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Well, if your plan is to make people question their faith in technology, then what if they stopped using it as much?

Less machines means less things you can infect.

You're screwing yourself over, Sourceror. #ReBootTheGuardianCode you ever think the show writers looked back at themselves and go "You know, we're writing a scene where an AI gives a rousing speech to an assistant bot. Do you think this is kinda stupid?" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, I don't think pressing the Enter key repeatedly is going to make your hacking work any better. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And I think the Shift key is even less helpful, lol. Especially when you give us a close-up to show that he's pressing it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Just because you need to use technology doesn't mean you need to use the assistant, though. I have a iPhone, and I almost never use Siri. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The vocal tracks they use in this show are awesomely bad, lol. They all feel like copies of other songs, but it's almost like they were trying to make an image song album, like they think they're an anime or something. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay...episode 9. I've heard that this and episode 10 are where they lean more heavily into referencing the original show, except not only do they half-ass it, but...well, you'll see. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You know, with the way the Sourceror repeats and restates himself constantly, I'm starting to think of Mojo Jojo.

And how I'd much rather be watching that show than this one. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, this is a mistake that a LOT of shows make, know weather satellites can't actually CONTROL the weather, right? They just predict it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So his mom's going out with his dad's old college roommate now.

Awkward. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"I heard my dad talk about the military's secret experiments using weather as a weapon."

Austin, maybe your dad was crazy BEFORE he was possessed by dark code. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And even if that were true, why would a military weather-predicting satellite have a laser that could make a tropical storm into a hurricane?

You can't hack THAT onto it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Yeah, there's a difference between cloud-seeding and "I shoot a laser to make the storm bigger!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"But the Guardians will not survive a full-scale sentinel assault!"

Dude, they survived a full-scale copies-of-you onslaught. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I think the only reason that Megabyte has survived this long in the series is because he's a recognizable character from the first one. Cause otherwise, he has failed the Sourceror almost ten times now, and despite his threats, still not deleted. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Again, say you're a kid watching this show for the first time. Why is Megabyte important to YOU? He's just a virus in this show, albeit one with a bigger body.

You can't pay lip service to the original if you're not going to commit. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also...I just realized that Trey's axe is called a 'bashtagger.' Like a hashtagger.

HAAAAAAAAAAA- #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You know, for how devastating this storm is supposed to be, it's a wonder they still have power so Plot Convenience News can still broadcast. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
It'd be kind of cool if eventually the Guardians revealed themselves to the D.I.S. and the two ended up working together to foil the Sourceror's plans...

But there's no goddamn way this show is lasting that long. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
See, any hacker worth his salt wouldn't be tossing those monitors around. Those things ain't cheap. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, why did destroying the satellite automatically make the storm go back down to tropical storm level? Again, "Makes it easy!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
That's episode 9 down...all that's left is the season 1 finale, and *sigh* *massive air quotes* "MAINFRAME." #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so they go into Mainframe, which is...sealed off behind this impenetrable shell of...something. And there Megabyte meets up with Hexadecimal! Whose mask actually moves now... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I think you mean he sounds like a semi-decent IMPRESSION of Megabyte. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"I am the upgraded, IMPROVED Megabyte!"

Upgraded, yes...improved, not so much. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So they got the original voice of Hexadecimal and Dot back, along with Bob's voice actor...from the first two seasons of the show. Where even I have to admit he was pretty wooden. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"I've seen a new world out there, Hexadecimal. And I can share it with you."

Shining, shimmering, splendid... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"This is an old Mainframe computer!" know, I'd go into detail about how weird this is, but Bull Session already did. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"It's like ancient technology 1.retro."

And yet somehow it produced a better show than this, so what do you have to say to that? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So they turn Mainframe back online and out comes...*sigh* the User.

Yes, this is implied to be the User that was competing against the characters in the first show, every time they played a game.

And yes, he looks like Comic Book Guy. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And apparently, he's played by this episode's writer.

Who wrote a few episodes of the old show, too. Really good ones, in fact.

Don't know why he decided to do this, then. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"After 20 years, it's finally happened...Mainframe is back online."

It is...but not as you knew it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So Bob shows up and...basically quotes what he says in the opening of the show.

If you're gonna be that lazy, just replay that recording. #ReBootTheGuardianCode episode 2, the Sourceror reawakened Megabyte while he was still in Mainframe. And yet, Bob, Dot, and Hexadecimal are still around. (Granted, Hexadecimal and Enzo are in their original forms for some reason.) #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So...what the fuck happened after My Two Bobs? Megabyte said he was going to start 'the hunt,' but apparently he didn't get very far! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, for some reason Frisket isn't around despite him being there in episode 2.

What is this, a Kingdom Hearts game? Can you only afford so many characters onscreen?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I actually do like what they did with Hexadecimal's mask, in retrospect. I like how she moves a hand in front of her face every time her expression changes, but in such a way that the gesture feels natural.

Pity it's not in a better show. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, other people have already mentioned this, but the User appears to have a room full of ReBoot merchandise. Like, from the original show.

So was ReBoot a TV show in this universe, but also Mainframe was a real place...? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"It's a game, and it's our job to win it!"
"And if we don't?"
"It's game over."

That...literally didn't answer anything, Bob. Nice job. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So, the new Guardians can't reboot into game forms.

You know...LIKE THE TITLE OF THE FUCKING SHOW!!!! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
User: "And mom said all this time in the basement was wasted!"

...there is so, SO much I can say about that line. 1. Has a 'take that critics' episode ever worked? Like...legitimate question, have people ever loved one of them? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Because maybe I'm biased, as a critic, but to me, making a whole episode about calling out people for complaining about stuff you do just makes you sound insecure.

2. So, unlike the original ReBoot series, this show was not filmed week to week. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
This show was released 10 episodes at a time for Netflix. Now granted, it also premiered on YTV, but it was filmed before anyone could have seen the episodes and sent user feedback. Which makes them look doubly insecure. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
3. If you're going to complain about people complaining about your show, then why are you deliberately ignoring things that the original show set up, in a sequel to that show? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
4. Knowing what I know about the creative process behind this show, the fact that they filmed an episode before anyone could have actually complained says to me that the creator KNEW there would be fans crying foul, and didn't care. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
5. And all that said, why was the guy playing the user, who was involved with the original show, which he helped create, okay with portraying fans of that show as stupid basement dwellers? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
They act like this Mainframe fanservice is supposed to be what fans wanted, but not only does it look half-assed, they proceed to make fun of the fans for expecting Guardian Code to be like the original show, when that's obviously who you're targeting! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And again...this is coming from someone who only saw the original ReBoot two or three years ago, for the first time. I have no nostalgic attachment to this show, I think it's good even now. I can only imagine how angry this made the OG fans. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the User won at least ONE game in the original series. He's acting like this would have been his first time to win.

Yes, that's the least of this scene's problems, but still. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So now we've got Hexadecimal, at least. That's a bit cool, I guess. Still wish they were in a better show, though.

I swear, the more music tracks I hear from this series, the more they sound like rejected songs from a Disney Channel original movie. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And again with the love triangle subplot.

I'm fairly certain they weren't even going on a date, and Parker is just convinced that they are. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And season 1 is done.

I'll admit, if you take away the fact that this is supposed to be a continuation of ReBoot, the show isn't...awful, just generic and easy to nitpick.

But episodes like this one are why you can't do that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Wow, the Sourceror actually removed his hood?! Can he do that?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the Sourceror hacks into the local cell network to search for the Guardians in real life, and he's hunting through people's phone calls for it.

As someone who has BEEN tech support, I can tell you that he is welcome to it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Yeah, Megabyte, Hex is right. You're pretty much the Sourceror's bitch now. How does it feel? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Clever girl." Fuck you. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Did she really just stop the phone's camera with gum?

Why couldn't she just turn it off? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So they bring back Hexadecimal, and one episode later, she gets locked in the virus prison.

Lame. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Well, at least they had her meet up with the cat virus. That's....something. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"These spheres have my dad's memories in them. But why?"

...because he's the Sourceror.

I mean, I know that ahead of time, but every kid figured it out too. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Season 2, Episode 2 opens on Parker and Austin testing a camera drone by running away from it. In a graveyard.

Are you sure these guys are the heroes? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I want to quit at this point because the show itself is pretty bland. It’s not even hate-watching, it’s ‘meh’-watching. Honestly, I don’t know which is worse. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The only thing that’s keeping me from just going straight to writing the review is because I want to go in-depth. I want to finish this shite BEFORE I pull it down with its vain creator. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I mock this here so I can at least get some enjoyment out of it. The things I do for you people.

Well, technically for Isabella, since she requested it-but I had to talk about this anyway. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So last night, because the Guardians couldn't use their weapons in the game, they had to find another way to win by collecting spider eyes. Parker called this a cheat code, but it doesn't feel like a cheat code. Alternate win conditions, sure, but... #ReBootTheGuardianCode this show trying to say that the NSA would kill a programmer because of wanting his project to go into computers?

Because even with how bullshit the NSA is, I find that hard to believe. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So in this episode, the Sourceror creates a 'zombie army' of security robots to infiltrate networks and create his own botnet.

Congrats, Sourceror, you're now on the same level as YouTube. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"To launch denial-of-service attacks that will crash the Internet!"

Again...why do you want to crash the Internet? No Internet means no way to spread your evil or whatever. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Yes, because a drone can totally keep up with a car. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Speaking of denial-of-service, was the Sourceror responsible for all of those 'Internet of things' hacks we keep hearing about? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Nancy should clearly have seen that his phone was hooked to the computer. Some Internet Security agent she is... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So their new high-tech weapon to stop the zombie bots is...a flamethrower.

I mean, points for effectiveness, I just wasn't expecting it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"My hack's been over-hacked!" -_-

Oh, so apparently the guy is a double agent.

Okay. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Season 2, episode 2 done. It wasn't awful, but it didn't feel like a lot was accomplished.

By the time the episode ends we're basically right back where we started. They don't even tell us what was in the file. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The next episode starts with the Sourceror literally eating a cockroach.

Why does being possessed by dark code make you want to do that? Unless Beetlejuice was made of dark code... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So, the Sourceror was going to delete Megabyte, but he gives him one last chance to prove taking over a children's bee toy.

Also, Megabyte somehow knows what a child is despite not knowing that the User was human. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Now that was fragnificent!" We're approaching 'morphenomenal' territory here. #ReBootTheGuardianCode by hacking into something in the computer world, you can make it catch on fire in the real world? What? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Sourceror: "The Guardians, you fool. They removed your virus."
Megabyte: "I...I did not anticipate-"

Why not?! They've stopped you at every turn! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Also, why the hell haven't the Guardians brought Megabyte out of the mobile game castle yet? Is the game still corrupted, or what? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And you can't corrupt the new queen because...? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
If you want their technology, why have you spent all this series so far trying to destroy them?!

Sourceror, you make no goddamn sense! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Season 2, episode 3 complete.

It seems like the longer I watch this show, the dumber it gets. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Since when was Tamara into kickboxing? That's never come up before now! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Tamara, maybe it's not a good idea to film them in front of the top-secret portal into the Internet in the top-secret room you don't want anyone to know about...even if you don't post it, what if your phone got hacked? You a hacker. Like the one you're fighting.
Also, this is some of the whitest rapping I have ever seen. And I listen to Weird Al regularly. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
No episode that's a serious threat to the integrity of the team should be kicked off by the words "I accidentally posted Vera's rap!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"You believe that humans are in cyberspace. That is...such a game-changer."

Said with all the gravitas and believability of a kid delivering a book report. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, FINALLY the two of them talked about the love triangle bullshit. I'm glad that tension is over, it was starting to get annoying. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
But oh no, groupie girl downloaded the file! I care so much...

Anyway, season 2 episode 4 down. I'm so close to the end, I can almost taste it... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, I don't care how good of a pickpocket you are, if you take someone's phone out of their hand, they're gonna notice that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh come on, the Sourceror takes a guy's phone out of his hand, and somehow gets it back to him, presumably hours later after he's done fiddling with it, because the charge is almost gone--and he doesn't notice?! HOW?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Yes, we've gone from hacking phones and toys to the Sourceror LAUNCHING A GODDAMN NUCLEAR MISSILE! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Man, I wish I were watching Summer Wars right now. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Great, someone who pronounces it 'nu-cu-lar.' I hate that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Look...if a nuclear missile was launched, it would be devastating. But I think, if America was able to say "Hey, we didn't do that, it was a terrorist hacker" then no war would break out over it. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And, I mean, I'm sure that America would do its best to make reparations, especially for its own actions...wait, this was made in 2018. Never mind! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Look, not that I WANT a nuclear missile to be launched, but he's only guessing one digit at a time, right?

There are only nine one-digit numbers. How long could that take? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Ten, actually, if you count zero. My mistake. But you get my point, right? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Every time the Sourceror goes on one of his rampages, I always think of Tommy Wiseau. "You bitch...YOU BITCH!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Season 2, episode 5 complete.

I'm 3/4 of the way there.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Last chance, Megabyte!"

That's what you said last time, and he's still here. Though he hasn't been around the past few episodes... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Speaking of that, what happened to Sharie seeing Vera's stupid rap? Or are they saving that for the finale? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Well, speak of the devil, I guess they're bringing it up this episode.

Also, do you really expect me to believe that Sharie wouldn't, well, share that video everywhere despite them deleting it? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
How is Parker not seeing her? Seriously, this is like Yosemite Sam not seeing Bugs in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, except somehow more silly. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...WHY DOES THE PORTAL WORK LIKE THAT?! It should just work with Tamara, that's why her character is above the portal! Does that mean that a fucking mouse could step on that pad and somehow become a Guardian too?! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
I didn't think this show was capable of making me rage, but to quote Roark, "Well congratulations-you just won the solid gold kewpie doll!" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, I still technically have 5 episodes left, but a lot of the review is already taking shape in my head. I did a LOT of scripting just now.

But for now, sleep. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so Megabyte got the Delete code taken out of him, so now he's no longer under the Sourceror's control. But, the Sourceror managed to find out that the Guardians are from Alan Turing High. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh, and also the Guardians erased Sharie's memories. Because they can just do that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So as the Sourceror closes in on the Guardians, we cut to...more of Trey's daddy issues. Great. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So Megabyte decides to get a new HQ, and...takes over Social Media City? Okay...

Wait, is this the episode with the Trump quote... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You heard it here, folks--getting people to like your social media posts through a sharing service is CHEATING. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
They keep acting like the sentinels are such a threat, but not only do they die in one hit, they rarely have more than six of them onscreen at a time.

But that may be because the team was unused to working with this software for animating the show. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
'Megabyte': "Fair and balanced-THIS is news I can trust. Unlike all that FAKE news..."

And THERE IT IS...Tony Jay is rolling in his grave. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Again, one episode after Megabyte gets free from the Sourceror's control, he gets locked in virus prison too.

Maybe they were planning on doing something with him and Hexadecimal in the same prison, but we never got that far. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Alright...three more episodes left. I'm going to see if I can at least finish one more tonight. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Ew. I know Austin's mom works in a hospital, but that doesn't mean I want a whole conversation about pus. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Spoke too soon, I guess they're doing the breakout story this episode. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So the Department of Internet Security has captured two of our new Guardians, and for some reason, in order to get Austin's dad's technology, these guys are WILLING to kill two humans.

You're supposed to be the good guys! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Okay, so Marc, the double agent helping the Guardians, has broken them out of the asylum. And let me guess, they got a partial scan of the code when they were imprisoned, so they'll be able to track them.

Pfft, yeah, like this show has consequences. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Come on, go faster!" Lady, computers don't load faster because you yell at them enough. Trust me, I know. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The viruses are in the Deep Web? You mean, that place so dangerous for sprites and viruses that most of them had to undergo massive transformations just to be able to SURVIVE in it in the last series? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And the Sourceror has made it to Alan Turing High...the menace of which is kinda undercut by the fact that he just almost ran over the Guardians, and instead let them get away. Smoooooth. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Two more fucking episodes. I'm so close to the end... #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...I've tweeted over 300 times about this show by now, I'm sure of it. And I'm also sure that that's more than anyone's ever cared to tweet about it before. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Bitch, how do you KNOW there's more story? For all you know, you could be punishing the guy for nothing. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Oh my god...the D.I.S. are taking Austin away, and the song in the background has lyrics about 'taking you away.'

And people think the Brother Bear soundtrack was on the nose. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Does the Department of Internet Security even have the authority to arrest someone, if they're not guilty of a cybercrime?

Cause I'm pretty sure they don't. #ReBootTheGuardianCode how exactly does this work in the real world? They destroyed the pirate ships the identity theft ring had in cyberspace, but aren't they just going to send a whole new 'fleet?' How does this stop them permanently? #ReBootTheGuardianCode
...I made it. I'm on the last episode.

Time to finish this thing for good. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Sourceror: "This is it...the beginning of the end."

Oh, my crazy friend, you have no idea how right you are. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Again...why does dark code want to destroy the Internet?

You haven't even explained what dark code IS yet, and I'm guessing you're never GOING to! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So, in other words "If we don't stop him, he's not gonna stop himself?" #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Uh, Dad, I'm REALLY glad to see you and everything, but please don't get too close...I don't think you've showered since you were possessed by dark code, or washed that hoodie at all."

"Actually, this hoodie was white when I bought it." #ReBootTheGuardianCode
So thanks to seeing Austin, his dad is able to regain some modicum of control over himself, but the Sourceror is still there the entire time. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
He tricks Austin into letting him into cyberspace, where his ultimate weapon is, a...'cyber-black hole.' Whatever that is. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
The show isn't going to explain it, it's just a black cyberspace. Somehow. And somehow, the Codec can be used to enhance it to engulf the entire Internet. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
This, again, comes back to one of my main problems with this show-by setting it in the real world, there's this expectation that things are going to work according to real-world logic. But often, it doesn't. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Dark code has been a constant throughout all 20 episodes, but you've never explained what it is other than 'evil,' but computers don't just MAKE evil.

Unless they're running on Windows Vista. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"I have to stop this." WHOA, where'd THAT accent come from? Adam didn't have one up to this point, and it didn't sound like a Canadian accent, either. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
Vera: "Guardians, don't get too close to the black hole!"
Parker: "Okay!" *they get hit and sucked in one second later*

YOU HAD ONE JOB #ReBootTheGuardianCode
You know, I like this idea on paper. Adam fighting against the Sourceror in his mind constantly-another sentai series already did that with Mesogog.

But at least Mesogog didn't look like Anton, just with a contorted face. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
This is a son, being forced to fight his father one on one. A father that he thought dead, and was instead his constant enemy, under control by an evil force.

And I can't take it seriously because of the goofy expressions! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And this is probably the part where Adam sacrifices himself, right?

I know the show ends here, but who was going to be the villain after this? Megabyte and Hexadecimal? Little late for that! #ReBootTheGuardianCode
"Remember when you didn't want to be the leader?"

I do. Yeah...that was a dumb episode. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And we get one last scene with Megabyte and Hexadecimal, promising that they'll be back again next season.

And if this show gets another season, I'll eat my cape. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And one final scene with the D.I.S., where they find the Sourceror's van, and apparently that the supercomputer he stole is missing.

I don't know where that was going, and we're never gonna find out. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
And that, ladies and that. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
304 tweets total...Jesus Christ. And I thought Seikon no Qwaser was rough to get through. #ReBootTheGuardianCode
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