We've all heard about #coronavirus, right?!
So many of you have questions around how it's transmitted.
Does it survive on surfaces? Is it in my poop?
Or the air? And what about on my packages?
So let's talk about transmission!
It’s also why distancing - at least 6 feet - is important.
Remember, the virus cannot infect you if the virus cannot find you!
So if you touch a surface with virus on it (from someone's cough, contaminated hands) & then touch your mouth/nose/eyes, infection IS possible.
And the virus can last on surgical masks for 7 days!
But these were lab experiments & might not reflect real-life conditions!

The takeaway is that virus CAN survive on surfaces for relatively short periods.
Just a reminder of the importance of washing your hands 🙏🙌!
Let's start with the facts. The science is inconclusive, but NO documented cases have been documented from airborne transmission.
Airborne transmission is NOT a major mode of transmission.
But there are a few principles and studies worth mentioning.
A new article in @nature found aerosol particles in a hospital, esp. in areas with poor ventilation.
The @cdc says it's 'unclear whether the virus found in feces may be capable of causing COVID-19. There has not been any confirmed report of the virus spreading from feces to a person.'
So...💩 is not a significant source of infection.
It's unlikely. Cooking kills the virus. If you don't literally inhale your food and you'll be ok!
If you're weary or immunocompromised, you could stick with cooked food and stay away from salads to be safe.
And wash your hands!
And do you need to wash your clothes after a run to the grocery store?
Only if someone coughed on you! Otherwise, you're good.
The OVERWHELMINGLY main mode of transmission is respiratory droplets. That's why wearing a mask and social distancing are SO important!
Next is transmission via contact with infected surfaces. Less common, but still important. So wash your hands!!!
There's more we don't know about COVID than we do, so this may change!
But right now, the best thing you can do is:
1. #StayHome!
2. Wear a mask
3. Wash your hands

@kadiebug12 @djdth31 @50shekels @pjd93920 @kimmyhippielove @constantguide @pdmj007 @debrajepson @travelwithtrent @xanthematy @marlipie
This thread (and future ones) + all supporting articles & research can be found at: bit.ly/3bRycHQ
Thanks to @TylerWen & @saurabhsudesh for helping put this together!
Every night at 9pm unless I run out of crayons...or whiskey.
Be safe! ❤️