1. live in SF
2. work as a CEO, VC or in finance
3. argue from at least two false premises
take this @Medium post currently circulating VC for ex, where are noble author suggests scientists and epidemiologists are “overstepping their expertise”

because we created an unsustainable, profit-seeking industrial ag system that’s over-levered on mono crops and is currently great at destroying our climate and spreading disease
because rich people sit safely at home writing medium posts while working class people risk their lives to #COVID working for Amazon or Instacart or Target
he literally said it
we can (easily) fund a #PeopleBailout
we can pay everyone’s healthcare costs
we can support our schools, hospitals, and essential workers
the money exists (or can be created)
we lack the imagination + political will to do what places like Denmark do now
is try to learn and imagine a better system, not just ways to troubleshoot this tragic disaster inside the limits of our current system
we need our leaders and thinkers to:
question premises and dogma
plan different scenarios
use their imagination and compassion
we can create something new and so so much better than what we currently have
that’s treating the patient AND the disease
/ end 🧵