1.) The novel corona virus, or Covid-19, began as an American research project in the aftermath of the "Swineflu pandemic" in 2009.

3.) The purpose was twofold.
P1. To investigate how to stop a global pandemic.
P2. To investigate how to weaponize a virus by natural means.
(FBI should arrest him immediately. Otherwise CIA will terminate his contract in a matter of days.)
The purpose of the first phase was to collect and catalogue potential virus lines that could be useful for later research.
The purpose of the second phase of the project was to begin experiments on animals. grantome.com/grant/NSF/DEB-…

The project was terminated because @Newsweek was going to reveal the story and members of a terminated project can always burn their records and catalogues and later deny their involvement in the matter.
"Have your scientists shared any biological material - such as bat virus samples - with Peter Daszak and his colleagues of the Eco-Health Alliance, or have you not?
Thank you and good night world.