It’s time for us to leapfrog to a marijuana + hemp economy.
The original poster boys of Edtech disruptors in India were:
A. Tutorvista - Sold to Pearson starting in 2009 and then (coincidence of coincidences) acquired by BYJUs in 2017.
TV Mohandas Pai who is quoted in this story is an investor in BYJUs has plenty to say on Educomp. “It was a case of unbridled growth and the inability to manage it, leading to creative accounting, fudging of books...
The product - Educomp sold Smartclass hardware loaded with digital content to schools; BYJUs mainstay is selling digital tablets loaded with digital content to parents
Buyer/Payee - Educomp sold it B2B2C to Parents through school administration; BYJUs sells B2C to Parents
Scheme - Educomp amortized hardware & ‘layered content’ (Layering Content - Product Catalogue approach wherein 20% is good content; 80% is avg) ...
Financing - Educomp had access to public money & bank loans to burn its way through growth. BYJUS has VCs with deep pockets.