Well. A halfway house. Short-term cashflow stabilisation by advancing £2.6bn tuition fees, but NO £2bn bailout of research funding as @UniversitiesUK asked. My latest. So what does that mean? /1
The Russell Group estimates that #Coronavirus could cost them £1.7bn in lost revenues this year. So how to fill the gap and protect research base? /3
The English Universities have agreed not to recruit above 5% projected levels...so there will be no 'beggar thy neighbour' approach /4
Underlying this approach is a pretty clear message on reform and restructuring... /6
Recall Tory manifesto commitment to reduce "low-quality courses" ; #Coronavirus fallout cd be catalyst for this /8
Taking the UUK line would have arguable cemented the structure of a sector that this govt wants to re-structure, as well as handing lots of cash to already-rich institutions /10
If the political will holds, interesting times ahead. ENDS