The U.K. is too big! But London!
Pop- 96 million
Hanoi- 7 million
First cases late Jan
270 cases. Zero deaths. No cover up…
In the first week of March, 20 positive cases had been identified.
In the second that had doubled. Aggressive contact tracing followed.
By then we had over 50 dead
We did not. That is the lesson to learn. When you need to buy time to increase supplies, capacity and embed processes you contain aggressively.
But they had capital city outbreaks and firefighting too.…
It not only failed to prepare adequately. The Government also failed to take the early aggressive steps necessary to buy itself time.
It sent out messages to the public that it was not too bad in many ways
The Gov needed to be honest with itself & the public explaining we were not ready & needed urgent public cooperation to buy time to get in PPE & equipment
It must have known we were not, for it had failed to address the urgent requirements and warning in Vallance’s report (thought to be June 2019) not to mention multiple Cygnus reports.
I was shocked to discover how stripped bare contact tracing had become. I knew there had been 10k capacity a decade ago between central PH and Local Gov.
January? 250 in PHE spread across 9 regional centres.
But that was key early preparation work identified in earlier reports.
It was as if the Government shrugged. “Oh well. We’ll have to make do and mend”
WHEN the Gov finally got around to telling even the partial truth about the gravity of the situation the public have, largely, been pretty compliant.
TOO ready to stay at home according to that a
eejit Graham Brady.
Test. Trace. Isolate to prevent the spread
Keep it aggressively low whilst you manufacture a stockpile of PPE/equipment
Expand labs
Increase knowledge.
GIVE the PPE to Care homes - plus training. Who cares if they are private?