North Georgia's APUSA has been networking with @GaRepublicans candidates. State House Rep @MatthewGurtler even talked at a meeting.
Here's leader Chester Doles discussing APUSA as continuing his earlier neo-Nazi organizing. SHARE!
#gapol #GAGOP #racism

Neo-Nazi APUSA leader Chester Doles has discussed alliances with right-wing people of color as a “Trojan Horse” tactic. #gapol
Gurtler talked at a meeting of APUSA - a front for white supremacists - this March.
Now the organization has turned on him. 🔙🗡️#gapol

#GurtlerForCongress #GA09 #ga9th
Don't say you weren't warned @JohsieC, @danny_ellyson, @GraysonForGA etc. #gapol

The National Alliance under Doles' state leadership held a second rally in 2002.
As #AmericanPatriotsUSA promo video shows, APUSA is continuation of Doles' earlier racist organizing.