I want to emphasize a point I made on "The State of Kentucky" show in response to the question on how the Trump-Fox-GOP uses outrage as a tactic.
It also gets to my objections to what I call fear-mongering and doomsaying.
Their "base" (who buys the Deep State / Flynn is a Victim) myths are stoked and thrilled.
My mentions were suddenly flooded with people announcing that Democracy was dead so we may as well take to the streets and forget about waiting for the election.
Cult of leadership is based on feelings and emotions (and lies)
When Trump goads or baits everyone into a panic meltdown, both sides are spinning and running feeling and emotion.
I ran across a statistic that I found interesting. Did you know that in airplane accidents, the survival rate is actually more than 95%
Even in an airplane accident, panic doesn't help.
But we also abandon rationality and reason and logic. Both sides are sucked into the emotional turmoil.
Be the party of calm logic and reason.
That's why I post a to-do list.
My FAQs are because I tend to get the same doomsday questions (and they can wear me out).