This ⤵️ is a good question.
Yes, conspiracy theories are directly connected to a hierarchy mindset.
(Be sure to take notes: This material will be on the government theory portion of the Twitter Bar Exam.)
Short answer: Embracing the hierarchy mindset requires rejecting factuality and entering a world of myth.
🔹Traditional (monarchy)
🔹Personal charisma (this is Weber’s term. Today we might say demagogue or cult leader)
🔹Legal / rational (democracy).…
Excerpt from Weber:…
"Personal devotion" is hierarchical: The leader is at the top. Everyone else is below.
The only way you can get people to accept a person's word as both Law and Truth is to obliterate factuality and science.
Leadership cults (like fascism) can only exist by clearing away factuality so that the leader’s word becomes both “truth” and “law.”
So each seeks to destroy the other.
Instead, he identifies enemies and “neutralizing” them.
This also creates hierarchy (our team is better).
Conspiracy theories thus come in handy to fascist-cult leaders who want blame "enemies."
Like blaming China 👇…
Listen to the entire thing.
He lays out how the Democrats stand for rule of law, while the modern GOP rejects rule of law for rule of one man.
In the 2016 election he embraced conspiracy theories, said he knew more than the generals, and approved of Alex Jones.
Trump rejects facts and science, and the GOP is right there with him.
Conspiracy theories and cult leadership / hierarchy go hand in hand.
The question is what to do when approximately 40% of the citizens prefer a leadership cult to rule of law.
(I mean, other than the fact that I’m a library nerd. Me=🤓)
It’s because I am currently under contract with Macmillan to write a book on disinformation.
My book will be part of this series👇
This means that a nerd like me gets to write a book that might be described as “cool.”
It also means I'm thinking a lot about these issues right now, including how we solve the problem of 40% of the population lining up behind a cult leader.