To summarize @Laurie_Garrett's thread, the White House has a 2-part plan to get Trump reelected.
Part 1 is to persuade people that the numbers of COVID-19 deaths are wrong.
Part 2 is a bit more complicated and totally nonsensical.
To summarize, the strategy (and premises) goes like this:
🔹A strong economy will get Trump reelected
Even when the economy was strong, Trump's approval was underwater.
The plan for getting the economy booming is this:
🔹Force factories to open by creating a demand for products
The idea is if a bunch of people demand something because they need it (like brand new trucks). . .
The way to create demand is by executive order, for example requiring that rigs be less than 10 years old on US highways.
Then truckers will have to buy trucks, so the factories will have to open.
That should endear Trump to truckers.
Even if he could enforce a crazy law like that. . .
The other idea was forbid companies (like power companies) from buying parts from certain countries.
If they are forced to buy American parts (so the logic goes) American factories will have to open . . .
What will happen is power companies will shut down. Truckers will go out of business.
There's also the jurisdiction problem. State highways and local roads are not his jurisdiction.
Imagine Trump issuing an order that to drive on a federal highway, you need a car under 10 years old.
It's stupid.
People who drive old cars generally can't afford a new one, particularly with such high unemployment.
People will just stop driving.
Trump is a two-trick pony:
🔹Create crises and spectacle
🔹Undermine factuality
So we have to (1) not be fooled and (2) not be manipulated.
We are in control of both of those things.
While he's good at lying and creating crisis and spectacle, he obviously has no understanding of economics.
If he is trying to create chaos, that is different. He can definitely succeed at that.
The strategy was that the plan would actually boost the economy (as in factually).
He can't tell people what they can drive on state or local roads.