Andhra: Containment Status positive. Positivity below 1%. Testing growth rate maintained above that of positives.

Bihar: Difficult to infer. Contradictory signals. Containment status positive. Positivity widely varying and tilted upwards of 2%. Testing growth below that of positives. Multiple mismatches in positives vs cases confirmed.

Delhi Testing data now irregular/delayed. Containment status negative. Testing growth (till last available update) higher than that of positives. Positivity high > 6%

Gujarat: Containment Status strongly negative. Testing growth continues to decline. Positivity above 6%

Haryana: Containment status reversing towards positive. Testing growth above that of positives. Positivity, on the margin at ~ 2%

J&K: Testing growth above that of positives. Daily new cases well contained under the level of 40. Positivity under 2%. Containment status suggests state is in control of each spike of new cases.

Karnataka: Testing growth above that of positives. Posiivity well below 2%. Containment status, like that of J&K, indicates state is in control of each surge/spike. Count of daily new cases well restricted under the level of 50.

Kerala: Containment Status consistently positive. Testing growth well maintained above that of positives. Positivity well below 1%. New Case counts have consistently declined to sporadic single digits.

MP: Testing growth marginally above that of positives. Testing data has adjustments post facto - reducing test counts. Positivity has declined to below 1%. Containment status positive.

Maharashtra: Containment Status strongly negative. Testing growth rising but continues to be below that of growth of positives. Positivity very high ~ 10%.

Punjab: Containment status reversing upwards to the positive side. Testing growth risen back above that of positives. Positivity tilted upwards ~ 5%

Rajasthan: Containment Status positive. Suggests state in control of managing each spike/surge of new cases. Daily new count levels held consistently under 150. Positivity declining towards 2%

Tamil Nadu: Testing growth rate below that of positives. Positivity tilted upwards of 4%. Containment status strongly negative.

UP: Containment Status positive. Testing growth marginally rising above that of positives. Positivity declining below 2%

West Bengal: Testing growth not rising. Positivity well above 4%. Containment Status strongly negative.