I will be talking about this tomorrow at the Broadbent confab about basic income Thurs aft 1 pm ET, register here: broadbentinstitute.ca/would_a_univer…?
A few thoughts about the key issue: how much?
It is almost NEVER universal, and when you start asking questions the speakers usually walk some of their talk back.
This will reveal if the goal is reducing poverty, or streamlining the thicket of administrative/eligibility rules; stabilizing volatile income, or readying for when the robots eat allathe jobs.
Two have been on-the-ground pilot projects. Two never got off the drawing board.
Let me walk you through the "how much" story.
Manitoba Mincome (1974-78)
4,000 low-income residents were eligible.
Singles received $1,255; family of 4 got $3,301 (60% of poverty line at the time, by design).
The amts were established in 1972, so fam of 4= ~$21K in 2020$. BUT /6
In 1974, the amount for a single =$6.8K in 2020$, for a fam of 4= $17.9K
By 1978, when program ended, singles= $4.8K in 2020$, fam of 4= $12.6K
Different world now.
Let's fast forward to 2017, and the Ontario BI pilot
$16,989/yr (if single) or $24,027/yr (if couple)
+$500 if living with disability
-50% of earned income [100% of EI benefits].
My thoughts summer 2016 <final form of pilot thestar.com/opinion/commen…
And in Jan 2017
Some see $2K as the new UBI.
But the goal of CERB was to KEEP PEOPLE HOME to contain the contagion, rather than look for a job/income.
This is not usual goal for income supports for the working age.
1985, Macdonald Commission proposes rolling all forms of income support into 1 flat benefit: $2750 for adults, $750 for kids. (in 2020$ $6039 for adults, $1647 for kids)
What's gone: EI, OAS/GIS, Family Allowance
In 2020$: $4,810 per adult and $2,404 per kid.
(Seniors incl in both Macdonald Commission and House models)
Today seniors and kids get federal guarantees of....
Seniors are guaranteed a minimum income of $18.2 through federal OAS and GIS alone.
There are also provincial programs.
The working aged, tho..trickier problem
BI is no cure
Our problem is we have two problems, maybe three, for the working aged
Administered by provinces/territories; different levels and rules everywhere; ridiculously cumbersome and punitive everywhere; and everywhere and wholly inadequate to live on
We need welfare reform to improve adequacy and reduce red tape. But
Shd you get BI if you live in a million dollar house? Have a late model care? Have $500K in RRSPs?
How much cd you earn before giving some back?
Won't happen.
But there is a thornier problem for the working age population. Work.
EI is different, aiming to stabilize workers' incomes during (relatively short) periods of unemployment.
Tricky given current job trends.
It's also had its failings, for decades.
When Covid19 hit, no secret EI couldn't do the job.
Dec 2019 (latest data) only 39% of jobless got EI, (just 32% of jobless women)
But CERB isn't a long term solution.
How do you deal with very real work disincentives when, even in the middle of a pandemic, we have very real labour shortages as well as massive labour surpluses?
They are also the primary tax payers, supporting programs, income supports and services for everyone.
Working age people pay most personal income taxes.
At the aggregate level, household incomes may not recover for a long time after Covid19. This makes tax hikes a difficult political ask + raises fiscal pressures
Even if you achieve it, it is not socially, politically or fiscally sustainable.
Basic income is not a solution, IMHO.
Other income supports maybe, at the margin (GST refundable credit?)
All "more money in your pocket" solutions have one huge drawback...
Without rent control (non-starter given balkanization/politics at sub-national level) income support puts $ in one pocket, out the other.
Redistribution = funneling tax $ to landlords
Better jobs (more enforceable workplace health and safety protections, less subcontracting, better pay)
Better basic services irrespective of income (drugs, dental, vision care, childcare, eldercare...)
We need to think this through together.
I get how potent the BI dream is, but it's just that. A dream. Let's make the #FutureOfWorkers a better reality.