3942 back
148 confirmed, 144 recovered
Just 4 active cases
Nobody in Covid wards or Nightingale facility
"Magnificent achievement". We need to beware of a second wave of cases, says CM. But says it's a great way to celebrate #InternationalNursesDay2020
Will extend regulations for over 70s till then.
Advice will remain to stay at home if possible.
Regulations on freedom of association will remain. Gatherings will have to be smaller than 12.
In UK, 32,000 have died in 4 weeks - equivalent to the whole population on the Rock.
"That is the killer we face" says @FabianPicardo
We cannot lose sight of this now that we are easing restrictions, says @FabianPicardo
CM asks people to read the document to become familiar with what is allowed & why gbc.gi/news/unlock-ro…
Thanks public health officials, the Opposition & all who have contributed to the plan for the coming weeks.
@FabianPicardo says he & @neill_bob have written to PM to ask that Gibraltar be exempted from the UK's planned quarantine for air travellers.
Some will have no maintenance outgoings now, while others will have to pay rent.
Each student will be assessed & dealt with on a case by case basis.
CM says there will NOT be lifeguards or beach buoys until mid June. Asks bathers & those using boats around beaches to be v careful.
Says plan is what officials think is going to work for #Gibraltar. Warns we cannot go to fast, hence the need to pause & reflect at times.
Some groups (GHA, ERS) will be swabbed once a month. Other front liners once every 7 weeks.
This will tell #Gibraltar if we're going too far, too fast.
Strategy means that as many as 25% will be in self-isolation at any one time. But that's the price to pay for ensuring 75% can live more freely, says Dr Bhatti.
By early May, about 3000 people had been tested in 60 days of lockdown. Going fwd, plan is 2000 per week
Antibody has been ordered. It is a blood test. Will shine light on how many ppl have had #COVIDー19.
In "brave new world" we will learn to live with virus. We'll monitor temperatures, masks will be used more...
Gibraltar has bought itself time, as well as antivirals & "tremendous capacity" in the hospitals now.
He's not going anywhere, mind you. "This is just the first part of the journey." We will need to work with each other & be brave, he says
CM says #Gibraltar has been v careful not to create any barriers to flow at frontier.
Scanners at frontier give moving image of ppl's temperatures. "No reports of anyone being denied entry"
Lockdown has not done me any good, says @FabianPicardo. "I'm now going to make sure I take myself out of the risk category" says CM by saying no to biscuits & taking to his treadmill more often.
We want to leave behind a better Gibraltar, a greener Gib, a more child-friendly city.
Dr Bhatti says evidence is tilting in favour of using masks in an internal environment, but not externally.
Using masks outdoors is unnecessary & signals fear. We shouldn't fear virus
If someone thinks they want to wear a mask outside, or a cover for their face, they can.
Business permits will carry requirement for masks as necessary.
This is about fairness, says CM. Social justice requires us to talk to students individually, understand their story & decide whether they should keep maintenance grant.
Many proactively returning £
With 10 active cases, random chance means it's just as likely to back to 0 as it is to go 20. But once it goes to 20, evidence is 20 will likely lead to "surge".
Every morning CM receives "situation report". This will continue.
So far we have dealt with a cluster rather than a wave, says CM. Isolating future clusters will hopefully prevent need for another lockdown.
Gibraltar is small enough to use specific levers to control the spread of this virus.
We will always resist going to a general lockdown, says @FabianPicardo, provided there's a more proportional response.
Previous pandemics show there can be waves of viruses.
We have not had any deaths, he observes. If fear has helped people protects themselves...
Asked if he scaremongers, Dr Bhatti says "it would be difficult to apologise for not having any deaths".
The Campo has sadly seen 33 deaths.
#Gibraltar has managed to protect our most vulnerable.
Without his advice & influence, govt wouldn't have been able to make necessary changes.
Spain's equivalent death rate here would be in high teens.
When we thought we'd lost a Gibraltarian to the virus locally, "I was very disappointed" says CM. "My aim is to keep a clean sheet".
So far we've done it, "so, a big thank you to Dr Bhatti" from CM.
CM says the government is proud of the "Unlock the Rock" document. Asks ppl to read it: gbc.gi/news/unlock-ro…
Abridged version to follow.