Matt joins us from his therapist's couch, while @ajassy's background teaches us about a third hobby of his! #awssummit

He used to be the @awscloud VP of Compute Services; now he's the VP of Sales and Marketing.
He's also my officially-assigned AWS Nemesis. #awssummit
No, "AWS Nemesis." At re:Invent last year, Matt Garman is the only person who declined a request for one of my open-mouth selfies; now his career is skyrocketing upward. This portends dark things for my brand. #awssummit
I digress. #awssummit
@ajassy: Fighting gravity. 'We can do it ourselves cheaper and better and faster!' is a fallacy. #awssummit
Look, of COURSE @ajassy has to say that--but I don't, and he's completely right.
He's still angling for a blow against his PERSONAL competitors: several countries' antiquity authorities.
This is what experience counts for. #awssummit
I'm a skeptic, obviously. #awssummit
"Hahahah launch is what now?" --@gcpcloud #awssummit
Experiment. Fail. Understand most are fixable. --@ajassy #awssummit
The responses to this tweet should be telling. #awssummit
"Videoconferencing is changing how we work." @ajassy alks about how it levels remote folks from in-person.
Mentions virtual couples dates with his wife and other couples. That's a fantastic idea that I think I'm going to steal. Not joking. #awssummit
"Yeah, sure it is" responds Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities, and continues building their case. #awssummit