#Nakba72 is #ThePalestinianLie whereby Palestinian Arabs were commanded to leave #Israel by the Arab League, who promised to annihilate the Jews. In 1948 they hijacked the Shoah to pretend they were victims. They've been claiming victimhood ever since.
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#Nakba72 is another #ThePalestinianLie whereby Israel's enemies hijacked Jewish suffering & symbols as their own.
#Nakba72 is the remarketing of their attempt to wipe out Jews & Jewish history from the land of #Israel. The Jewish Homeland

#Nakba72 and #ThePalestinianLie. No independent country of #Palestine has ever existed. The only land these Arabs have EVER owned is land sliced off of the Jewish Homeland and given to them in 1993-1995 per the Oslo Agreements

The Arabs have a tradition of always picking the wrong side. In WW2 they fought alongside Nazis. In the Gulf War they sided with Saddam Hussein. And today they carry on that tradition by allowing #Nakba72 to be coopted by Jewhate racists worldwide

#Nakba72 coincided with an intent to eradicate all Jews. Back then Arabs sided with the Nazis to kill Britain and her Jewish allies in WW2. Todays Nazis/jihadists Hamas intend to annihilate all Jews and are paid to do so by The West in #paytoslay