After dining with #Iran's chief apologist @JZarif & calling for a $5 billion loan to the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, @SenFeinstein's is now further pushing Tehran's talking points by demanding sanctions relief from the U.S.

Now, let’s put all politics aside & ask some simple questions from Sen. Feinstein:
If you truly are concerned about the Iranian people, why do you not call on Tehran to tap into the billions of dollars controlled by the regime’s dictator @khamenei_ir?
Sen. Feinstein, did you know Reuters reported in 2013 that Khamenei controls a major financial empire?
“Reuters was able to identify about $95 bn in property & corporate assets… roughly 40 percent bigger than the country's total oil exports [in 2012]”
Sen. Feinstein, while you call for incentives & financial aid for Iran, did you known that since 2012 Tehran has spent at least $16 billion to fund its terror proxies abroad while Iranian healthcare services have remained woefully underfunded?
Sen. Feinstein, did you know that U.S. sanctions are not preventing aid to Iran. The U.S. maintains broad authorizations allowing the sale of food, agricultural commodities, medicine & medical devices by U.S. persons or from the U.S. to Iran?

Sen. Feinstein, did you know that on April 1, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the U.S. sanctions “have failed to hamper our efforts to fight against the coronavirus?”

Sen. Feinstein, did you know that Iranian documents show their healthcare companies have been able to import testing kits since January?
Sen. Feinstein, did you know Iran refused the United States’ offer of humanitarian assistance and medical supplies to the Iranian people to help address the coronavirus outbreak?
Sen. Feinstein, did you know that on March 23, the Iranian Health Ministry kicked out a Doctors Without Borders team, which was setting up a treatment facility in Isfahan?
Sen. Feinstein, did you know that Iran's regime is so corrupt that the president's chief of staff once said in a letter that one billion euros ($1.12 billion) in hard currency allocated for importing medicines & essential goods “disappeared?"
Sen. Feinstein, did you know that Rouhani applauded the Foreign Ministry for their “concerted effort to influence public opinion and say ‘no’ to sanctions?”
He said “our efforts are aimed at bringing back our money seized in other countries.”
Sen. Feinstein, please listen to the father of Pouya Bakhtiari, a young protesters killed by the Iranian regime during the Nov 2019 uprising.
He says if sanctions are lifted Tehran will use that money to purchase arms & carry out even more killings.
Sen. Feinstein, please listen to this internet taxi driver in Iran.
"Please do not provide any money to the Islamic republic. Not a single rial [Iranian currency] reaches the people. Please do not lift the sanctions from the filthy mullahs' republic."
Sen. Feinstein, please listen to this young man in Iran explain how the dilemma plaguing the Iranian people is the regime, not sanctions.