Just comes across as sniping at women?
Why don’t you instead draw attention to the disproportionate negative effect of lockdown on women?
Now THAT would be feminism in action ✊🏽
Some tips here:
With schools and nurseries closed it is impossible for millions of parents to work. In addition to care work, having children at home all day increases the burden of domestic work, particularly cooking meals and cleaning.
On average, women do 60% more unpaid work than men.
Women are particularly likely to lose livelihoods under lockdown.
Women earn less than men, and do more insecure work.
That is a victim-blaming, misogynist myth.
Stop pointing the finger at women.
Start calling out the sexist inequality that underpins women’s paid & unpaid labour, both in the home and in the workplace.
THAT is feminism.