It will explain how for famous govt apps claims of #hacking or security issues are made while hiding the #reality
—> yes you thought it right! You can even use name of a famous fictional character from web series or movies say #ElliotAlderson in #MrRobot web series. How cool that is! Isn’t it?🤔
—> You need some fancy terminal and fancy font. Powerline font and Oh-my-zsh with the Agnoster theme would be cool.
—> use curl for making requests to app server (you can even avoid posting the response in case you did not get desired response 😂)
—> intercept the traffic of the application and point to anything that public will misinterpret. Say if you find some client side encryption (though that should be visible to the client) still point it (but don’t explain it to readers)
—> if you fetch the local JWT tokens of the LOGGED IN user (or other local data of app) post that with claims of critical security breach (don’t tell its LOCAL)