1/n.How much money you are spending on such expedition? Including your lavish living.
Do ever you know.Where this money comes from?
Who generates money?Do
You know money is mere
Story: A Photo grapher after
completing photo shoot for
Animal/NGeoChannel was
on his way home to catch
his airplane flight.
On his way through Sudan
he came across an incidence.A young girl not fed for days was lying under
a tree and a Vulture too
Vultures don't eat living.
Photographer shot the scene,sent it and proceeded
for his further journey.
His PHOTO was awarded best shoot of the year. Rewarded too.And became
Famous Photographer.
Soon he became Millionaire
with him onlineAsked some
questions.HeWasAnswering.TheirQueries.OneGentleman,Asked What Exactly You
Were Doing There?He Answered I ShotTheScene
and RushedForMy FlightHome.
The Gentleman on the other
end Responded"ThatMeans
OneWithCamera InHand.
YouAreNotHumans.Only EvolvedFromMonkeyBut
@waglenikhil @Kumkum26