Q: What is Zakaat al-Fitr?
A: Zakaat al-Fitr is the charity paid at the end of Ramadaan by every Muslim who possesses food that is more than their needs (i.e they have enough to eat during 'Eid & more).

A : Every Muslim who has food to eat on the day of 'Eid. They have to pay Zakaat al-Fitr 4rm what's left (of their food) after they would have taken enough for themselves & their family.
Q: Is it paid by only adults?
2/8 #ZakaatalFitr
Q: When is Zakat al-Fitr paid?
A: Zakat al-Fitr is paid towards d end of Ramadaan. However, it must be paid unfailingly before 'Eid prayer, so that d poor can eat well on Eid
Q: Who is eligible to receive Zakaat-ul-Fitr?
A: The poor and needy.
Q: What can I use to pay Zakaat-ul-Fitr?
Q: What is the amount to be paid for Zakaat-ul-Fitr?
A: The minimum amount due is the equivalent of a sa'a of rice or other staple foodstuff. That is, 1 sa'a per member of the household. #Ramadan
A: Yes. We can help you distribute your Zakaat-ul-Fitr, bi idniLLaah. But if you wish that we help you distribute your Zakaat-ul-Fitr this year, you need to make your commitment/intention known latest by Thursday...
Q: How much do I pay to have DCL/Feed A Soul distribute my Zakaat al-Fitr 4 me?
A: The cost per head is N1,050. So, you'll ave to multiply N1,050 wt the number of heads you are paying for.
Deen Comms Ltd/Feed A Soul account @
Jaiz Bank- 0003634460
Sterling Bank – 0500258016
Zenith Bank – 1010677987
Pls remember to indicate Zakaat-ul- Fitr when paying or call any of the below nos:
Idris 0803 345 1377
Nurudeen 0803 307 2317
May Allaah make it easy & accept our acts of Ibaadah this Ramadaan & beyond. #RamadanMubarak