👉Reality of the hashtag- #Hinduphobic_Bollywood & how twitter trends are managed
👉Syndicates use private facebook groups to make such hashtags trend
👉I managed to get a source inside one such group who took me deep inside it. READ ON😁
👉They began by trolling #PataalLok producer @AnushkaSharma & then @imVkohli
👉Soon it became about the entire bollywood & usual suspects came on their radar, like- @sonamakapoor & @ReallySwara

👉Some of its members were SAD that #CycloneAmphan was trending above #Hinduphobic_Bollywood. How humane!
👉For instance, take a look at this comment made while celebrating hashtag's success by a member of this private Facebook group👇

👉Eg- This group single-handedly trended #Hinduphobic_Bollywood the entire evening yday
👉Influencers from the 'other' side jumped in to counter BUT ended up helping this group
7/8 👇

👉These are folks who spam your twitter & are NOT interested in exchange of views. Moral of the story is IGNORE THEM. Spend your twitter real estate on amplifying good journalism