Some of the items on the agenda:Animal shelter;Body cameras/taser requests;Parking Authority Workshop;Councilman Bredefled requesting end to all COVID-19 emergency orders; Sleeping cabins.
1- c Actions pertaining to the Animal Control Facility Project: 1. Declaring an urgent necessity for the preservation of life, health, property and authorizing the award of a construction contract without competitive bidding to Northstar General
Actions pertaining to Resolution to vacate a portion of Mono Street and a portion of the R Street and S Street alley, east of R Street
1-K View.ashx <…> Approval and implementation of the Public Transit Agency Safety Plan as required by the Federal TA

Approve the consultant agreement with Element Markets, a Texas based Limited Liability Company, for the supply of Renewable Natural Gas and Management of Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Renewable Identification Number credits
Actions pertaining to the Police Department's Axon Body Worn Cameras 1. Award a sole source contract in the amount of $839,900 for the first year and $788,500 per year for the remaining four years, for the maintenance and upgrade of 556 Taser X26P conducted energy weapons

3-A RESOLUTION - Adopting the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan Including Citizen Participation Plan, 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice; authorizing submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
BILL - (For Introduction) Adding California Building Code Title 24 Appendix 0104 To Section 11-102 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to Amendments to the California Building Code regarding Emergency Sleeping Cabins Arias asks that only two people can be inside.

•These programs are expected to provide approximately $12 million in entitlement funding for fiscal year 2021.
Public: Ivanka Saunders says this is important. Need to build new affordable housing in ALL parts of city. Not just
Hearing to consider General Plan Text Amendment Application No. P20-01529 and related Environmental Finding which proposes, in the Local Hazard Mitigation section of the Noise and Safety Element of the General Plan, to delete an outdated adoption date of the Fresno
Until after Closed Session. Next item C : $ 1 million to County for homeless shelter beds. Already approved last meeting but actually only appropriating it today. Approved 7-0
Come back from Closed Session.
Trying to get verification on that one way or another.
JUNE 11, - 9:00 A.M. MEETING JUNE 18, - 9:00 A.M. MEETING JUNE 25, 9:00 A.M. MEETING