Tech gets richer while our ppl increasingly disappear at the hands of ICE.
Now we know how willing co. like Thompson Reuters are to not only work with ICE, but to create targeted lists of our ppl. ⬇️
See docs ⬇️…
In reality, this has just been used to retaliate against undocumented immigrant activist & others who protest ICE's activities.
The company’s CEO, James Dinkins, sits on the board of the ICE Foundation, a NGO set up to support ICE employees, alongside executives from companies like GEO Group & Booz Allen Hamilton.
The co. tailors its operations to ICE's needs & helps target individuals with automated analysis AND in-house human analysts, according to the documents.
Shouldn't there be laws protecting us from the gov. collecting such data?
Well, there ARE laws that are supposed to protect us from the fed. gov. procuring this kind of data.
However these laws do NOT apply to Thompson Reuters.
AND b/c ICE buys its data from Thompson Reuters, it can circumvent these laws.
Shareholders are voting THIS WEEK in advance of the AGM on 6/3.
Folks want answers.
Once again, ICE is acting like it is above the law.
They are not alone in this choice.
But neither are we.
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