Sky News has learned that 4% of swab tests conducted at the Lighthouse Laboratory in Milton Keynes are declared "unclear" because of limitations in the chemical testing process.
Exactly how many? What about the other labs?
How many are self administered swabs?
11 days later for another person working in A&E.
I’m not interested in @DHSCgovuk “confidence”.
I’m interested in the objective data.

Yes. That includes the ones in car parks where people are handed kits through the car window to do themselves?
How many positives, negatives and unclears. By centre, Lab, Age, sex, ethnicity and occupation.
Longest date etc.
How many delays are administrative?
How many due to lab backlogs?
If differences between Labs, why?
@ 4% This WOULD mean at least 8k tests a day could potentially be unclear, or 56,000 a week.
A test kit in the post counted as a test
A serology test with no result counted as a test
They are taking the piss.