to specifically balance the legitimate needs for privacy/civil liberties against the need to use this
information to protect the Nation.
necessary to trigger a criminal or counterintelligence investigation, when it would be prudent to
warn other Government officials to avoid exposing sensitive information to someone who might pose a counterintelligence risk,
attack by a terrorist organization. For surveillance of targeted U.S. Persons to occur, a Court must approve the Government’s probable cause for collection as well as the techniques/minimization procedures to protect U.S.
where the target was a foreign national who communicates with a non-targeted U.S. Person. In
this case the information collected on the U.S. Person is called incidental collection.
procedures developed to minimize the collection, retention and dissemination of information
on non-consenting U.S. Persons.
access to U.S. Persons information as a normal part of their duties,
Agency compliance with statutory minimization procedures is monitored by the ODNI, DOJ, and
appropriate committees of the Congress."