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Gisteren was het een surreële dag om waarnemer bij de #A12 demonstratie van @NLRebellion te zijn. Ik zag onnodige escalatie en de waterkanonnen speelden daarin de hoofdrol. Een draadje 🧵 1/14
Voor 12u werd al geprobeerd de solidariteitsdemonstratie boven de A12 te voorkomen door het zicht te belemmeren en overal was veel politie. 2/14
Ook rond de plek waar de #XR demonstratie zou beginnen was veel politie; ME, busjes en politiepaarden. Op verschillende plekken vormden groepjes demonstranten. 3/14
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Bizar! De politie is continu water aan het spuiten op vreedzame demonstranten naast de #a12
Overal waterkanonnen; allemaal op vreedzame demonstranten aan het vuren! #a12
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Burgemeester gisteren: een motie over het faciliteren van de solidariteitsdemonstratie is overbodig. Burgemeester vandaag: alles rond #A12 afschermen zodat niemand wat kan zien. 🙈
Een foto van het Haags demonstratierecht Image
Wat een politiestaat vanochtend; overal politiebusjes, politiepaarden en ME. #A12 #xr Image
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A12-blokkade: zaterdag 11 maart om 12:00 uur. Stop fossiele subsidies! Doe mee op de A12 of als supporter ernaast. [1/4] #A12

Actietrainingen en Telegram A12-blokkade:

Telegram support demo:…
Is de wereld waarin wij leven rechtvaardig? Nee, zeker niet. De aarde is al zeker 1,2 graden opgewarmd en klimaatrampen slaan overal toe. Soms in Nederland, zoals de waterramp in Limburg, vaker in landen in het Mondiale Zuiden. [2/4]
De Pacifische eilanden kampen met overstromingen, extreme stormen, verhoogd zoutgehalte waardoor landbouw onmogelijk wordt, langdurige droogte en het verlies van land door zeespiegelstijging. Allemaal gevolgen van het ongebreidelde gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen. [3/4]
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Na onze geweldloze demonstratie tegen het exportkredietverzekeringenbeleid dat tegen alle afspraken in nog steeds exportsteun verstrekt aan fossiele projecten, spreekt de @VVDDenHaag van een ‘illegale demonstratie’. Klopt daar iets van? Natuurlijk niet. [1/5]
Om bij het begin te beginnen: nee, demonstraties hoef je niet aan te kondigen. Gemeenten willen graag dat je dat doet, maar dat betekent niet dat ze daarmee in hun recht staan. Integendeel, @AmnestyNL spreekt van ‘onnodige voorschriften en regels’. [2/5]…
Ten tweede: nee, demonstreren hoeft niet op een door de gemeente aangewezen veld. Het Europese Hof van de Rechten van de Mens heeft beslist dat je recht hebt te demonstreren ‘within sight and sound’. Het partijkantoor van de @VVD kan dan een passende keuze zijn. [3/5]
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Op dit moment staan vier rebellen van @NLRebellion voor de rechter in Den Haag, wegens voorbereiden van blokkade van de #A12, op 13 oktober 2021. Zij werden aangehouden als bestuurders van vier voertuigen die op weg waren naar de tunnelbak, waar sindsdien vele blokkades waren. 🧵
Officier van Justitie vertelt over het bewijs: het feit dat vier auto's in de richting van de tunnelbak #A12 reden en een soort draaiboek in de kofferbak werd gevonden. Het blijft een tikje onduidelijk hoe de politie wist naar welke auto's uit te kijken.
Wel is duidelijk dat politie een 'SBGO' had opgericht: Staf Grootschalig en Bijzonder Optreden. Dat is een 'bevelstructuur speciaal voor (terroristische) crisis, (dreigende) ramp of calamiteit'. #A12
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Apple TV 4K cuenta con #A12, que te garantizará la mejor experiencia. Sonido Dolby Vision, HDR y mayor frame rate, perfecto para deportes ⚽️ ¿Les emocionan estos highlights? Disponible en la segunda mitad de Mayo #AppleEvent
¡Pueden pre ordenar este 30 de abril! 😍 #AppleTV4k #AppleEvent
¡Love looks better in color! La nueva #Mac está llena de colores y, con la integración de 0 del M1, promete el mejor rendimiento. Un diseño limpio que te ayudará a adaptarte al color que más te guste. ¿Hermosas, no? 🤩🤩 #AppleEvent
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QUESTION: How did the recent #Suezblockage impact global security? We asked Brandon Fried @AfAExecDirector. Follow this thread for the answer.
"The Suez situation could not have come at a worse time with global demand for products and an all-time high, and we didn’t need another significant choke point to restrain capacity. Of course, the congestion at the Port of Los Angeles continues to be a big challenge as well.
The containers on these vessels are essential to the global supply chain must be put back into circulation as soon as possible. Without them, cargo sits at the docks, waiting not only for the ships but the metal boxes they carry as well.
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QUESTION: Authorities have identified the person believed to be responsible for the massive suicide blast in #Nashville on Christmas Day 2020 as, 63 year old, Anthony Quinn Warner. What was his motive? We asked @stick631 - Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: “The man responsible for the Christmas Day bombing in downtown Nashville has been identified, but his motive for committing suicide in such a spectacular fashion remains a mystery. It does not appear he left behind any sort of statement or manifesto outlining a grievance
narrative that would provide insight into his motive. Because of this, it is hard to classify the suicide by bomb as an act of terrorism. The suspect also provided warning of the impending explosion, allowing the authorities to evacuate people from the area,
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QUESTION: How has President Donald Trump's firing of top national security officials impacted the intelligence community and the safety & security of the country? We asked Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence @suemgordon22. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: “To begin, there is some overriding good news. The strength of the intelligence and national security communities lies in the expertise, ethos, and tradecraft of the women and men who serve.
Bureaucracies have downsides, but they have the upside of inherent stability over time. That said, leadership matters; and leadership during times of challenge and change matters a lot.
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QUESTION: President Donald Trump's knowledge of US secrets and his debt may make him and others targets of foreign spies. We asked @LarryPfeifferDC of the @mvhaydencenter, how significant is this threat? Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "There’s been a bit of discussion in the media about how the large debt President Donald Trump carries into his post-presidency presents a significant security risk. What’s not discussed is the potential risks posed by those in his inner circle.
This is a president who has demanded loyalty above all—those who remain in his inner circle after 4 years are family and others undoubtedly the most loyal. If President Trump were predisposed to reveal classified or other sensitive US government information to foreign
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QUESTION: How have the 2020 election results impacted U.S. allies? We asked Ellen Laipson, Director of the Master's in International Security degree program at the @ScharSchool @GeorgeMasonU. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "US allies around the world have expressed genuine relief at the news of Joe Biden's electoral victory over President Donald Trump. In Europe in particular NATO allies and other close security partners had grown deeply troubled by Trump's disdain for the substance and
the formal rituals of alliance relations. He had treated NATO and South Korea as business transactions, and spent years trying to negotiate more favorable financial terms, rather than engage those countries on shared threat perceptions and joint decisions about strategy.
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QUESTION: Why are women and girls are more essential than ever to U.S. national security? We asked @GirlSecurity_ to lay out the reasons. Follow this thread.
ANSWER: "National security is the most important common cause, but norms, bias, and discrimination continue to shape the roles girls and women play in security, despite women’s longstanding contributions.
Women remain underrepresented in national security. While increasing the number of women in national security alone will not remedy shortcomings or shortfalls across sectors, it creates a stronger foundation upon which long-needed advancements can succeed.
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QUESTION: Recently, the US government & @Microsoft disabled -probably temporarily -"Trickbot" one of the world’s largest hacking operations, for fear it would interfere with the U.S. election.

What is Trickbot? Our friends at @NCSC explained. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "Trickbot is an established banking trojan used in cyber attacks against businesses and individuals in the UK and overseas. Trickbot attacks are designed to access online accounts, including bank accounts, in order to obtain personally identifiable information
In some cases, Trickbot is used to infiltrate a network. Once inside it can be used to deploy other malware, including ransomware and post-exploitation toolkits. Trickbot targets victims with well-crafted phishing emails, designed to appear as though sent from trusted commercial
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QUESTION: Who are the "Proud Boys"? We asked Scott Stewart @stick631. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: First, they are a group with an organized national and regional structure. Second, they are not classified as white supremacists as many press reports claim. While some Proud Boy members have links to white supremacists,
the Proud Boys group has members of different ethnicities and its current leader, Enrique Tarrio, is a Cuban. The group is self-avowedly “western chauvinist” meaning that they believe western civilization is superior to others.
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ALERT: @FBI & @CISAgov have sent out an alert warning the public about FALSE CLAIMS OF HACKED VOTER INFORMATION: "Foreign actors and cyber criminals are spreading false and inconsistent information through various online platforms in an attempt to...
to manipulate public opinion, discredit the electoral process, and undermine confidence in U.S. democratic institutions. These malicious actors could use these forums to also spread disinformation suggesting successful cyber operations have compromised election infrastructure and
facilitated the “hacking” and “leaking” of U.S. voter registration data. In reality, much U.S. voter information can be purchased or acquired through publicly available sources. While cyber actors have in recent years obtained voter registration information,
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QUESTION: Japan's Prime minister Shinzo Abe is leaving office. Who is Prime Minister-Designate Yoshihide Suga and how will he impact North Korean human rights? We asked @rosainhaepark Rosa Park, @committeehrnk Director of Programs and Editor.
ANSWER: "North Korea has been abducting citizens of other countries for decades. Nowhere is the issue more prominent than in Japan. The total number of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korean agents is estimated to be upwards of 883 people.
Prime Minister-designate (PMD) Yoshihide Suga, who was elected to lead the Liberal Democratic Party on Monday, has been a leader for the North Korean human rights issue in Japan. When PMD Suga was Chief Cabinet Secretary under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
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QUESTION: A new scandal has arisen after allegations of hysterectomies practiced on immigrant women in a detention center in Georgia. What are the implications of these accusations? We asked our venerable colleague @GCorreaCabrera. Follow this thread for the answer. Image
ANSWER: "Advocacy groups have filed a complaint against this migrant detention center appealing to these accusations, as well as supposed medical neglect during the COVID-19 pandemic and lack of virus safety measures.
The information about alleged hysterectomies without proper "informed consent" was provided by a whistleblower, a nurse who used to work there.
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QUESTION: President Trump has suggested he might not accept the results of the upcoming Presidential election, if he loses. Critics claim he might engage in a "fire sale" of U.S. foreign policy. What are the limits of a lame duck President? Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: We asked Jeremy Mayer, an Associate Professor in the @ScharSchool of Policy and Government at George Mason University.
"One oddity of our Constitution is the very long lame duck period. In Britain and many other modern democracies, the moving trucks arrive for a defeated executive much sooner. This is related to the age of our Constitution,
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1/ To me, August 12, will always be a day to honor the brave Americans who stood up against white supremacist attacks in Charlottesville back in 2017. Those who literally fought to defend our commitment to America's promises and the process of becoming a more perfect Union. #A12
2/ I think of Heather Heyer, who lost her life on A12. I think of her mother, Susan Bro, who said: ‘I want you to pay attention, find what's wrong. Don't ignore it, don't look the other way. You make a point to look at it, and say to yourself, what can I do to make a difference?’
3/ Today—& every day—let's put in the work to honor those words. We must support those in Charlottesville still fighting for justice, for equity, & for opportunity. ⬇️ Below are 7 incredible organizations whose work I deeply admire. They each deserve/need our ongoing support...
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QUESTION: What just happened in Belarus? We asked @kaltau Karl Altau from @JBANCchatter to sum it up. Follow this thread for the answer.…
ANSWER: "The so-called “election” farce in Belarus has overnight turned from elusive hope for peaceful protesters into dismay due to the violent reaction by the regime.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka (Alexander Lukashenko)* has again stolen the election from the people of Belarus.
Lukashenka is weak. The Kremlin prefers the status quo there and will do what it can so that their preferred balance of power remains.
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QUESTION: What did Hurricane Isaias tell us about disaster response during the #COVID19 #pandemic ? We asked @RealBobJ, Bob Jensen, who has deep Homeland and National Security experience to explain. Follow this thread for the answer. Image
ANSWER: "1. There will be stories about people in shelters who refuse to wear masks. Some instances may even lead to violent incidents. (I pray this won't happen, but it's already happening with people just going to stores and getting violent about masks).
2. Some disaster will cause large evacuations and the locations near them will be unprepared - which will eventually lead to further spread of COVID due to crowding and lack of screening in shelters.
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ALERT! @SenBlumenthal nails it in @washingtonpost editorial. Something really bad is going on in the shadows. Election interference is far worse the we could imagine. And the public needs to know about it. Follow this thread for more.
”The publicly available facts are terrifying enough. A report released on Wednesday by the State Department outlined in detail attempts by Russian front groups.
... fake individual online identities and state-funded media to sow disinformation and dissension about U.S. allies around the world.
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UPDATE: His family @freepaulwhelan tells me, and other sources confirm, that he arrived in the Republic of Mordovia on Sat. Aug 1. They say it can often take prisoners weeks to reach a camp on the prison train...
So despite reports he was last seen in Lefortovo last Wednesday, he may have left long before that. According to Russian prison officials, Paul will be quarantined for 20 days in camp IK-18 and then moved to his permanent camp, IK-17.
This is clearly troubling for the family because this move, further isolates him from them, his lawyers and embassy personnel -who check on his well being. But as one source told me, this is precisely the point of moving him there.
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