Overviews! I love them but they quickly fall out of grace in the fast iterations of #gamedevelopment
This is a slightly pimped #overview of a level I'm currently making together with my #leveldesign students.

these are my thoughts about overviews; they are super important in the beginning of a project when trying to find the right path and communicating you #leveldesign ideas to your team.
In #gamedev the game is god. therefore all documentation including LDD:s are living documents in the beginning but tend to fall of the grid later in the production. I use overviews to fast forward my own designs in the alpha-stage of the production.
I do a rough #blockout and get a feel for the space. Then I return to my paper and iterate the design.. because doing it on paper it a thousand times faster. Then I go back and forth until I realize that the paper design is no longer needed.
In some productions u need to touch up your overview once the level is done.. for communication with publishers, or for artists for beautification to ship with the game. then u do not use old sketches. You do a paintover of a top-down screenshot of your level.