Research on online echo chambers shows severe distrust of info originating from outside the group.
These are ideological borders, and they can be impenetrable.
I found 2 "whistle-blower" interviews. One with a nurse who talks about excessive labelling of #COVID19 deaths.

1) Nurses don't typically complete death certificates, so it's unclear to me what that claim is based on
2) Being "pressured" but also having "a lot of latitude" on death certificates sounds like 2 totally opposite work environments.

So that goes back to my original question to the local commenter: where are you getting the info that Canadian doctors are misclassifying deaths?
It's all part of the same grand conspiracy and there are no national borders in Conspiracy Land.
The ideological echo chambers heightening the American crisis contain large swaths of Canadians.
I urge my colleagues not to dismiss MAGA conspiracy theories as unimportant in the Canadian context. Now is the time to pay closer attention than ever.