It’s simple and well known but not often applied deliberately.
Did I need surgery? Unknown.
Can he do it? Unknown
Unknown ailment. Unknown person
2nd situation: if the ailment is known (malaria for example), then irrespective of who is making an offer for surgery, I’ll obviously decline.
Knowing something can aid making more efficient decisions
If I know what the person is and yet I don’t know the ailment, I can still interact more productively with the person
Best scenario is having a known person with a known area of expertise working on you in the known area of need
That’s what we do when we have headaches & see a doctor instead of a mechanic
There’s a trust in an unknown unknown which most that are polite will call reckless but others will call stupidity. It’s blind and forces you to accept whatever outcome whether desirable or not & It makes you powerless. strips you of power.
This trust fills you with confidence, power & satisfaction and if things don’t turn out how you want, the understating comforts
How much more God?
Will you send your kids to be taught in a school when the teacher says the subject can’t be known?
There’s enough God for all us.
But of course, knowing what God is marks the beginning
As much as possible, avoid making decisions in unknown unknown situations
How are you satisfied living without a desire to know more?
Choose you this day who you will serve between a God that you are in a relationship with and in the process of knowing or one that is a distant, unknown, irrational “commander”