Is there a prodigal in your life? I was the prodigal daughter in my parents' life, THREE times. They never gave up hope.
I have a message for you.
Just now, I've heard this 1998 song too. Musically & lyrically one of my favorite songs of all time.
I know there's many of you going through that same kind of pain for one or more loved ones.
First thing to know is, you may be wrong about them.
In latter years I decided that the New Testament is open to interpretation on the "once saved, always saved" doctrine.
I'm consciously unlearning and relearning as much as possible from what has gone in over the years. I don't have the answers.
Often it is because the person cannot resolve the problem of suffering. Often it is due to spiritual abuse &/or hypocrisy.
They likely feel, at a minimum, let down by God & (usually) His people on Earth. Careless talk can contribute to keeping them away.
While out of the fold, I was very tolerant of my Christian family. I just felt they had false hope, & of course I knew it all.
He is willing and able to reach the prodigal wherever he or she is, in a way that resonates for him or her.
He hunted me down, pretty successfully.😂