📷: Greenpeace/Vivek M.

1⃣ Protect and preserve the source of human health: Nature.
Overall plans for post-COVID-19 recovery, and specifically plans to reduce the risk of future epidemics, need to lessen our impact on our environment.

#HealthRecovery 📸: UNDP

2⃣ Invest in essential services, from water and sanitation to clean energy in healthcare facilities.
Around the 🌎, billions of people lack access to the most basic services that are required to protect their health.


3⃣ Ensure a quick healthy energy transition.
More than 90% of people breathe outdoor air with pollution levels that exceed WHO air quality guideline values.

4⃣ Promote healthy, sustainable food systems.
If the world were able to meet WHO’s dietary guidelines, this would save millions of lives, reduce disease risks, and bring major reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions.

📸: Bioversity International/Krishnasis Ghosh


5⃣ Build healthy, liveable cities.
Public transport, walking and cycling brings major health benefits through reducing air pollution, road traffic injuries.


6⃣ Stop using taxpayers’ money to fund pollution.
It‘s time to stop paying the pollution bill, both through our pockets and our lungs.

a good place to start is with fossil fuel subsidies
📸: United Nations @UN


🌱Protect nature
🚰Invest in essential services
💡Ensure a quick healthy energy transition
🥦Promote healthy, sustainable food systems
🏙Build healthy, liveable cities
❌Stop using taxpayers’ 💸 to fund pollution