FULL DOC: assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6929… #lausd #lbusd #caedchat

1⃣ "Face-to-face"
2⃣ "Hybrid" — mix of classroom and #distancelearning
3⃣ "Distance learning"

- GROUPING: students should spend their day with the same, "stable" group of kids
- MASKS are a "best practice" for both staff and students
- DESKS should be 6 feet apart
- LUNCH in "non-congregate" settings
The @lacoeinfo guidance calls for PPE to be provided to health and front office staff — including dividers in areas "where there is limited space for social distancing."

"In the case of exposure, @lapublichealth will work with families and staff if testing is advised." #lausd #lbusd #caedchat
- Schedule restroom use
- Schedule more frequent hand-washing
- Designate one-way hallways and staircases
- Buy/lease more portable classrooms
- Isolation rooms for kids who are sick
- Sanitize playgrounds between uses
- 'A typical classroom houses 16 students + 1 teacher' — that's a smaller class size
- "Move classes outdoors whenever possible"
- Place seats 6 feet apart
- Benches in-between to encourage distancing
Fewer students in classrooms mean fewer desks … so what to do with excess furniture?
"Close the gym and use space to store unused furniture" 🙁
Unclear. "Pending recommendation from @lapublichealth regarding temperature checks and health screening at school."
Parents may be taking away the concrete pieces of guidance — masks in school, smaller classes, etc.…
But what educators might find most useful in @lacoeinfo's doc are the planning frameworks.
Supt. @DebraDuardo: I've been talking to a lot of districts and "all of them are really excited about reopening schools … They want to make sure they can do that in a safe way."
A, @DebraDuardo: Guidance. "The only thing that is required is for districts to follow directives of their local department of public health."
A, @DebraDuardo: This is still a fluid situation. If @lapublichealth (or others) issue orders, schools will have to follow
@lacoeinfo guidance:
- "Improve filtration" in HVAC systems
- Increase outdoor ventilation when possible — use fans, open doors, etc.
- No-touch controls
"Reopening schools must be bargained with UTLA," the statement says — and "there is no vision for safe reopening that does not involve additional resources for schools."