"Edmonton-based AIMCo, on the other hand, has the dubious distinction of being among the worst-performing Canadian pension plans during the recent downturn, posting stats that would get a player cut from the Edmonton Oilers." #ABLeg #thathurts
"Contrasting its results to CPPIB – an apples-to-apples comparison – also shows the Alberta fund suffered outsized losses on investment strategies linked to market volatility."
#ABLeg #minburned #teamtripod
"The bottom 5 per cent of pension plans were down by an average of 12.7 per cent, according to RBC Investor and Treasury Services. That’s AIMCo’s neighbourhood." #ABLeg
Also last week the UCP put out "the NDP are being mean to us" video/presser. WTAF?
Look, you have pissed on democracy so many times in your short reign that I swear you are from NK. #ABLeg
You rushed bills through the Leg with little or no substantive debate.
You have ripped up legally enforceable contracts with @Albertadoctors, during a pandemic no less. #ABLeg
By adopting a hard right "oil and gas 4ever" position you have pissed off every institutional investor and European country. #ABLeg
Don't even get me started on the Energy War Room. It has done less than nothing, a net liability to 'berta. #ABLeg