– The WHO Constitution is a treaty.
– Membership of WHO requires signing the WHO Constitution & completing state domestic ratification processes (art 4).
– US has ratified the treaty.
WHO Constitution does not set out an express withdrawal process. This is not unusual and it is generally accepted that States are free to withdraw from international treaties & institutions (principle of state sovereignty, enshrined in Vienna Convention)
Legally it's murky if the President can withdraw. While Exec has power to sign treaties, ratification follows advice & consent of Senate.
– Some argue Exec thus retains power to exit treaties
– Others argue it requires Congress consent:
Politics likely matters more (& extent would impact any legal review). Also, it's not clear what was intended by "terminating".
Precisely because the WHO Constitution is silent on withdrawing, the US Congress included a provision that the US must pay any outstanding dues before withdrawing.
(thanks @crisveijk for reminding me about the reservation)
(WHA resolution accepting it: treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDeta…)
(thx @Nougane1)