Rule 1: If facts are misrepresented, analysis will be wrong! /1
Same at level of India, focused on average rather than local level data barring few states/districts. Need extensive analysis of data at local level. \2
❗️No rough estimate for # of +ve symptomatic cases.
🧐What we have are:
official (mininum) numbers of "serious symptomatic cases" and "deaths of covid19 patients officially diagnosed by hospitals".
Doubling rate is for "officially recorded cases w/ serious symptoms".

We are heavily undertesting and underreporting. If you take these into a/c then estimates for # cases in India will be monumentally large than current! ..\10
Crucial to see area-wise testing capacity and flaws in guidelines (duration for isolation, testing criteria, etc). \12
@ShamikaRavi, plz study STATS 101, EPI101. We are doing adverse of "flattening". Kindly stick to plotting graphs. Let analysis for subject experts for sake of PUBLIC HEALTH. A humble, kind request!