But it's a system of causes & effects.
I argue that while inequality & racism are certainly serious threats, they are promoted by a greed- and power-mad political party w/ no scruples, funded by rich shirkers.

That has left future taxpayers stuck with the debt of the last 4 decades' wealthy Americans. That's the definition of a Ponzi scheme.

Although we still lead in a few areas, primarily some areas of high tech and the military, it's difficult to find measures at which the US excels.

Under Reagan, the party openly acknowledged racism as a problem in the U.S., but continued to tolerate it, for the votes it brought.

Using racism (anti-immigrant) & greed (anti-taxes) themes, Brat defeated incumbent Maj Ldr Eric Cantor (R-VA), dragging the party to the right.
The party had discarded any commitment to tell the truth under Newt Gingrich's strategy in the 1990's, when they were being pasted by Democrats across the country.
- GOP fears demographic shifts portend extinction
- They recruit:
. Racists via anti-immigrant policies
. Megachurch Evangelicals w/ anti-abortion pipe dream
. Profiteers via tax cuts, dereg'n
- They spread hoaxes (Fox)
And here we are.
(photo: Reuters)