Several allegations have been made that the Covid regulations are #irrational and therefore #illegal.
Please join me as we investigate your media statement from yesterday regarding level 3 regulations.……
September is another 3 months away. Common sense tell us that most of these jobs will be annihilated by then. Not merely 'at risk'.
Allegations are made that these regulations are not thought through and merely knee-jerk reactions.
Would the minister kindly explain the above statement?
Tourism is around R 130 billion a year. That is R 10.8 billion a month.
R 200 mil will 'ensure survival'?
Can the minister kindly explain how restuarants, which are subject to health codes which provide for hygiene and cleanliness, are closed whilst churches are open subject to social distancing etc.
Given the other regulations can the minister kindly explain what they must do? How are they to generate income?
Is the minister aware that the above excludes the bulk of tourism and that business travel only forms a small segment of tourism?
Can the minister kindly explain the accommodation regulations in the above or is it only for self drive day trips?
Can the minister please give a breakdown between business and leisure tourism?
Long distance taxi's for business travel minister?
Is that the 'immense benefit" you are referring to?
Given international travel is earmarked for next year. Can the minister elucidate as to what part of the R 2 Billion is local vs international.
I want to see something.
Is the minister referring to the R 200 mil drop in the bucket here?
I'll just leave this one here and only state that I am a free market capitalist and believes that governent should not, and in general cannot, even run a spaza shop
Also provincial borders are not drawn along 'pandemic response' lines.
Kindly explain how limitations in inter provincial travel is rational.
If you could kindly remind them of the urgency it would be appreciated.
Thank you 🇿🇦🙏
It would also be appreciated if you could bring my campaign in the interest of #ruleoflaw to the attention of fellow MP's.
It is a general appeal to all South Africans.
Thank you.
Gideon Brits
(a fellow South African)…