When comparing Google Street view with the one in the Tweet, you can clearly see it matches

After a couple of targeted keyword searches, I found the origin with more info & additional photos. For various reasons, I will refrain from sharing the link.
So why were they there in the first place?
H/T @rickfable:

However, AP NEWS fact-checked this for us: apnews.com/afs:Content:89…
The truth is bricks were left there for a construction project in the neighbourhood.
More info by @FriscoPD:

It's important to note that the StreetView image I use is from Aug 2019

We @NBC_VC continue to analyse these videos. If you come across any please send them my way
@SFPD have confirmed that these pallets belong to a construction site (link: )

Includes examples that I mentioned above but also others.