Il Divine Sage Rishyashringa's Temple Of Rain At Kigga ll
This Shivlingam is known as Malahanikaresvara. Its said dat whn the Sage left his corporeal body, a very bright lightening issued frm his body & he disappeared into the lingam dat he used to worship.
Sage Rishyashringa performed the "Putrakameshti Yagna" for Dasharatha, the King of Ayodhya and the result was that he was blessed with four sons..Sri Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrugana.
Sage Vibhandaka by fate became the father of a child with horns on his head called Rishyashringa. He kept the child in isolation in the forest and child matured to be a man without meeting another soul other than his father.
(Ref. Valmiki Ramayana)
The neighbouring kingdom of King Romapada suffered frm severe drought. The king was advised dat if Sage blessed d kingdom with his feet, then there wld be a good monsoon. Therefore many courtesans were sent to request to the Sage to come to d kingdom. Sage accepted the invitation
As soon as he set his feet on the kingdom, they received heavy rains. The king was grateful to Sage Rishyasringa and he proposed marriage with his daughter Shantha. Sage Rishyasringa married her and stayed in the kingdom for some period of time.
After that Sage with his wife returned back to forest to lead a yogic life. It was at Kigga Where Sage got enlightenment & at that time few powerful mantras came out of his mouth. It is said that these mantras were included in the first Veda – Rig Veda in due course of time.
Rishyashringa stayed for a long time on this hill and hence the hill got the name Rishyashringa Giri — Giri means hill.Thus in due course of time the name changed to ‘Sringagiri’ and finally it is being called ‘Sringeri’.
During the time of the formation of Sharada Peetha, Sri Adi Shankaracharya visits this holy place of Kigga. It is after this visit that he names the place as Sringeri derived from the name Rishya - Sringa. Hence, the place became famous as Sringeri Sharada Peetha in Shimoga.
Sage Rishyashringa has installed Shiva lingas in different parts of the country, (Shringeri for example) for rains and fertility. It is sad to note, that one such temple, on the banks of the Cooum at Thiruvur remains lesser known.
The temple at Thiruvur, today known as Tirur, is said to have been built around the Shiva Linga installed by Sage Rishyashringa. Originally called Rishyashringeeswaram after the sage, today it is known as Uthpalambika samedha Sri Singaandeeswarar Temple.
There is also one Sage Rishyashringa Temple in Himachal Pradesh.
Sri Lakshmi Ganapati Swami Temple, Bikkavolu, Andhra Pradesh
Magnificent Bikkavolu Temple is dedicated to Sri Vinayaka. The main deity inside the Temple is a “Swayambhu and is 7 feet high. Bikkavolu is a village & Mandal, It’s located in East Godavari district of Andhra pradesh.
Here the devotees whisper their wishes in Sri Vinayaka’s ear. The other fascinating thing is, water can be seen coming out from base of the left leg of Sri Ganapati.
It is located 30kms from Kakinada. It is believed that the idol was installed around 9th century and has been increasing in size year by year.
रामायण का पहला श्लोक ही संस्कृत साहित्य का पहला श्लोक है। रामायण ही संस्कृत साहित्य का पहला महाकाव्य है सबसे रोचक बात ये है कि इस श्लोक में एक श्राप दिया गया है. जानिए इस श्राप की कहानी -
अर्थ : हे निषाद ! तुमको अनंत काल तक (प्रतिष्ठा) शांति न मिले, क्योकि तुमने प्रेम, प्रणय-क्रिया में लीन असावधान क्रौंच पक्षी के जोड़े में से एक की हत्या कर दी.
First Shloka of Ramayana in Sanskrit – संस्कृत का पहला श्लोक कैसे बना :
एक दिन ब्रह्ममूहूर्त में वाल्मीकि ऋषि स्नान, नित्य कर्मादि के लिए गंगा नदी को जा रहे थे. वाल्मीकि ऋषि के वस्त्र साथ में चल रहे उनके शिष्य भारद्वाज मुनि लिए हुए थे. मार्ग में उन्हें तमसा नामक नदी मिलती है.
#RajaRajaChola The Cholas were the great Tamil kings who ruled the world, who crossed the sea and flew the Tiger flag of the Cholas. The reign of King #RajaRajaChola was one of the most important periods in the history of the Chola Empire. #TamilsPrideRajaRajaCholan
The policies of the Chola dynasty, which saw a new upsurge in various fields of government, military, fine arts, architecture, temple building and literature were greatly embodied in his rule. #TamilsPrideRajaRajaCholan
#RajaRajaChola built so many grand temples & monuments but we could not gjve him a properly built samadhi.
See the samadhi of Raja Raja chola built in a hut.
जब हिटलर ने पोलैंड पर आक्रमण करके द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध की शुरुआत की थी तो उस समय पोलैंड के सैनिको ने अपने 500 महिलाओ और करीब 200 बच्चों को एक जहाज़ में बैठाकर समुद्र में छोड़ दिया और कैप्टन से कहा की इन्हें किसी भी देश में ले जाओ,...
जहाँ इन्हें शरण मिल सके l
अगर जिन्दगी रही हम बचे रहे या ये बचे रहे तो दुबारा मिलेंगे।
500 शरणार्थी पोलिस महिलाओ और 200 बच्चो से भरा वो जहाज ईरान के सिराफ़ बंदरगाह पहुंचा,वहाँ किसी को शरण क्या उतरने की अनुमति तक नही मिली,फिर सेशेल्स मेंभी नही मिली, फिर अदन में भी अनुमति नही मिली।
अंत में समुद्र में भटकता-भटकता वो जहाज गुजरात के जामनगर के तट पर आया।
जामनगर के तत्कालीन महाराजा "जाम साहब दिग्विजय सिंह" ने न सिर्फ 500 महिलाओ बच्चो के लिए अपना एक राजमहल जिसे हवामहल कहते है वो रहने के लिए दिया बल्कि ...
एक बार की बात है कि किसी राजा ने यह फैसला लिया कि वह प्रतिदिन 100 अंधे लोगों को खीर खिलाया करेगा। एक दिन खीर वाले दूध में सांप ने मुंह डाला और दूध में विष डाल दी और ज़हरीली खीर को खाकर 100 के 100 अंधे व्यक्ति मर गए।..
।। जय श्री कृष्ण ।।
राजा बहुत परेशान हुआ कि मुझे 100 आदमियों की हत्या का पाप लगेगा।
राजा परेशानी की हालत में अपने राज्य को छोड़कर जंगलों में भक्ति करने के लिए चल पड़ा, ताकि इस पाप की माफी मिल सके। रास्ते में एक गांव आया। राजा ने चौपाल में बैठे लोगों से पूछा की...
इस गांव में कोई भक्ति भाव वाला परिवार है ताकि उसके घर रात काटी जा सके। चौपाल में बैठे लोगों ने बताया कि इस गांव में दो बहन भाई रहते हैं जो खूब बंदगी करते हैं। राजा उनके घर रात ठहर गया।
सुबह जब राजा उठा तो लड़की सिमरन पर बैठी हुई थी। इससे पहले लड़की का रूटीन था कि….