He is clearly describing a v.different - much broader - report to the one which was published today
The webinar is on YouTube: Professor Fenton at 14m 30s
- background briefing that publication (Wed) to be delayed, citing "global events" & sensitivities. Much criticised
- then DoH briefed (v.late last night) to be published "this week"
- then put online with no fanfare this morning
There is a note of caution about causes.
Its clear that Recommendations are part of the review. This widely thought to be its central purpose [given the ethnic data was already published by ONS & others]
The government needs to now let Public Health England publish its review in full (rather than claiming that part one of the review is the full review)



- "I get that. Black lives matter"
- Said govt wants to tackle race inequalities.
(No new proposals).
- Any advice to ethnic minority citizens? Its important to follow social distancing guidelines, for everyone
My thoughts on race equality after Covid from the recent #OurOtherNationalDebt collection