Kudos to @nitingokhale for bringing out this interview. You hv once again proved that you remain the most reliable and accurate Journalist on India's Def and Strategic matters.
- Col Dinny has cleared the air on the nomenclature used for the "fingures" in the area.
- The tactical position in the area on the LAC is quite clear now. F4 has a cliff which restricts any vehicular movement. It has

- India controls the territory till the West of F4. We have permenent presence right till F4.
- while India claims the LAC passes at F8. The area between F4-F8 has always been patrolled by both sides.
- So there is neither any incursion on Indian controlled area, nor there
- Col Dinny has also said that there cannot be a large scale deployment in this area. Any Chinese action has an equal and opposite Indian reaction anyhow.
- Ditto for Galwan Valley, where the terrain simply doesn't
- Col Dinny also points out why would China oppose DSDBO road only nw
- Perhaps the most imp point that Col Dinny raised is given Indian tactical command spans the area between Pangong Tso and Galwan Valley, its quite likely that similar structure exists on the Chinese side and its quite possible that the current standoff
Only time will bring out the right answers on this perhaps. But its quite clear there is no incursion, let alone a large scale from the Chinese.