A couple more speaker, ‘we’re almost out of here’ speaker says
“White people, Mexicans, Asians; we love y’all”
‘Your going to remember this for the rest of your lives, if you see somebody who was here after this, give me a wave, give them a high five, because they were for you”
Big vehicle didn’t slow for pedestrians nearby, honked, felt like aggression
A different tone at justice center
Police loudspeaker: Use of force warning for tampering with fence. At justice center
Police use of force warning for tampering with fence
Law enforcement officers across the state are trained that these types of munitions “shall not be aimed at the head, neck or any other vital organs,” according to guidelines from California Commission on Peace of Officers and Standards Training.
The story of the search and rescue of the Seven Oaks community in the mountains of the San Bernardino National Forest, cut off from the world during Tropical Storm Hilary.
For @nytimes with @alishajucevic (1/30)
It starts with Greg Fink, whose lived in Seven Oaks for over 40 years.
Greg & his wife fled during the storm, literally running to saftey.
Now he’s back and on a mission:
First: Get home to feed his cats, who haven’t eaten in 2 days.
Next: Help the people stranded. (2/30)
Tropical Storm Hilary reigned down Sunday night, overflowing the Santa Ana River.
Fast moving storm water destroyed everything in it’s path, Shredding trailer homes, trees, even taking the road with it.
31 people still inside Seven Oaks were now cut off without an exit. (3/30)